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Reconstructing the list of items from a space optimized 0/1 knapsack implementation

A space optimization for the 0/1 knapsack dynamic programming algorithm is to use a 1-d array (say, A) of size equal to the knapsack capacity, and simply overwrite A[w] (if required) at each iteration i, where A[w] denotes the total value if the first i items are considered and knapsack capacity is w. If this optimization is used, is there a way to reconstruct the list of items picked, perhaps by saving some extra information at each iteration of the DP algorithm? For example, in the Bellman Ford Algorithm a similar space optimization can be implemented, and the shortest path can still be reconstructed as long as we keep a list of the predecessor pointers, ie the last hop (or first, depending on if a source/destination oriented algorithm is being written).

For reference, here is my C++ function for the 0/1 knapsack problem using dynamic programming where I construct a 2-d vector ans such that ans[i][j] denotes the total value considering the first i items and knapsack capacity j. I reconstruct the items picked by reverse traversing this vector ans:

void knapsack(vector<int> v,vector<int>w,int cap){
 //v[i]=value of item i-1
 //w[i]=weight of item i-1, cap=knapsack capacity
 //ans[i][j]=total value if considering 1st i items and capacity j
 vector <vector<int> > ans(v.size()+1,vector<int>(cap+1));

 //value with 0 items is 0

 //value with 0 capacity is 0
 for (uint i=1;i<v.size()+1;i++){

 for (uint i=1;i<v.size()+1;i++) {
    for (int x=1;x<cap+1;x++) {
        if (ans[i-1][x]>=ans[i-1][x-w[i-1]]+v[i-1]||x<w[i-1])
        else {
 cout<<"Total value: "<<ans[v.size()][cap]<<endl;

 cout<<"Items to carry: \n";
 for (uint i=v.size();i>0;i--) {
    for (int x=cap;x>0;x--) {
        if (ans[i][x]==ans[i-1][x]) //item i not in knapsack
        else if (ans[i][x]==ans[i-1][x-w[i-1]]+v[i-1]) { //item i in knapsack
            cout<<i<<"("<<v[i-1]<<"), ";
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kabir Avatar asked Apr 25 '16 07:04


People also ask

What is the formula for calculating optimal solution in 0-1 knapsack?

Based on the optimal substructure, we can write down the solution for the 0/1 Knapsack problem as follows: Let C[n, M] be the value (total profits) of the optimal solution for KNAP(1, n, M). C[n, M] = max ( profits for case 1, profits for case 2) = max ( C[n-1, M], C[n-1, M - wn] + pn).

How 0-1 knapsack problem can be solved using dynamic programming?

If we pick the 2kg item then we cannot pick 1kg item from the 2kg item (item is not divisible); we have to pick the 2kg item completely. This is a 0/1 knapsack problem in which either we pick the item completely or we will pick that item. The 0/1 knapsack problem is solved by the dynamic programming.

Which of the following methods can be used to solve the 0-1 knapsack problem?

The 0-1 Knapsack problem can be solved using Greedy algorithm.

What is the space complexity of knapsack problem?

The space complexity is O ( n ) O(n) O(n). This space will be used to store the recursion stack. Since our recursive algorithm works in a depth-first fashion, which means, we can't have more than 'n' recursive calls on the call stack at any time.

2 Answers

The following is a C++ implementation of yildizkabaran's answer. It adapts Hirschberg's clever divide & conquer idea to compute the answer to a knapsack instance with n items and capacity c in O(nc) time and just O(c) space:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

// Returns a vector of (cost, elem) pairs.
vector<pair<int, int>> optimal_cost(vector<int> const& v, vector<int> const& w, int cap) {
    vector<pair<int, int>> dp(cap + 1, { 0, -1 });

    for (int i = 0; i < size(v); ++i) {
        for (int j = cap; j >= 0; --j) {
            if (w[i] <= j && dp[j].first < dp[j - w[i]].first + v[i]) {
                dp[j] = { dp[j - w[i]].first + v[i], i };

    return dp;

// Returns a vector of item labels corresponding to an optimal solution, in increasing order.
vector<int> knapsack_hirschberg(vector<int> const& v, vector<int> const& w, int cap, int offset = 0) {
    if (empty(v)) {
        return {};

    int mid = size(v) / 2;
    auto subSol1 = optimal_cost(vector<int>(begin(v), begin(v) + mid), vector<int>(begin(w), begin(w) + mid), cap);
    auto subSol2 = optimal_cost(vector<int>(begin(v) + mid, end(v)), vector<int>(begin(w) + mid, end(w)), cap);

    pair<int, int> best = { -1, -1 };
    for (int i = 0; i <= cap; ++i) {
        best = max(best, { subSol1[i].first + subSol2[cap - i].first, i });

    vector<int> solution;
    if (subSol1[best.second].second != -1) {
        int iChosen = subSol1[best.second].second;
        solution = knapsack_hirschberg(vector<int>(begin(v), begin(v) + iChosen), vector<int>(begin(w), begin(w) + iChosen), best.second - w[iChosen], offset);
        solution.push_back(subSol1[best.second].second + offset);
    if (subSol2[cap - best.second].second != -1) {
        int iChosen = mid + subSol2[cap - best.second].second;
        auto subSolution = knapsack_hirschberg(vector<int>(begin(v) + mid, begin(v) + iChosen), vector<int>(begin(w) + mid, begin(w) + iChosen), cap - best.second - w[iChosen], offset + mid);
        copy(begin(subSolution), end(subSolution), back_inserter(solution));
        solution.push_back(iChosen + offset);

    return solution;
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j_random_hacker Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09


Even though this is an old question I recently ran into the same problem so I figured I would write my solution here. What you need is Hirschberg's algorithm. Although this algorithm is written for reconstructing edit distances, the same principle applies here. The idea is that when searching for n items in capacity c, the knapsack state at (n/2)th item corresponding to the final maximum value is determined in the first scan. Let's call this state weight_m and value_m. This can be with keeping track of an additional 1d array of size c. So the memory is still O(c). Then the problem is divided into two parts: items 0 to n/2 with a capacity of weight_m, and items n/2 to n with a capacity of c-weight_m. The reduced problems in total is of size nc/2. Continuing this approach we can determine the knapsack state (occupied weight and current value) after each item, after which we can simply check to see which items were included. This algorithm completes in O(2nc) while using O(c) memory, so in terms of big-O nothing is changed even though the algorithm is at least twice as slow. I hope this helps to anyone who is facing a similar problem.

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yildizkabaran Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09
