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Recompile PHP with ZTS enabled on Ubuntu





I am trying to install pthreads by using

pecl install pthreads

But I got this error during the installation

configure: error: pthreads requires ZTS, please re-compile PHP with ZTS enabled

I have searched for this error. It seems that I have to install a new version of PHP with ZTS enabled. Is there any simpler ways to recompile with ZTS enabled instead of reinstalling PHP?

like image 970
xlKD Avatar asked May 11 '15 04:05


1 Answers

Here is the quoted answer from a Digital Ocean community comment:

ZTS support is a configure time option and can not be enabled at run time. You'll need to build php yourself with the --enable-maintainer-zts flag in order to enable it.

One way to do this is to modify the existing package and rebuild it. First we'll need to install and download a few things:

Install the build dependencies:

sudo apt-get build-dep php5

Install the developer tools:

sudo apt-get install devscripts

Download the source:

apt-get source php5

Now enter the source directory and edit the debian/rules file:

cd php5-5.5.9+dfsg/    # The version will be different depending on the Ubuntu release
nano debian/rules

Find the section starting with COMMON_CONFIG=--build=$(DEB_BUILD_GNU_TYPE) \ and add the following configure flags:

        --enable-maintainer-zts \
        --enable-pthreads \

Then we want to bump the version number for the package, so that it is higher than the version of PHP in the repository. Run dch -i and create a new changelog entry:

php5 (5.5.9+dfsg-1ubuntu4.5+zts1) trusty; urgency=medium

  * Rebuild with ZTS support.

 -- You <[email protected]>  Mon, 10 Nov 2014 13:14:32 -0500

Now the package can be built using the command:

DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck debuild

This will take quite awhile and will also require some memory. If you're on a 512mb server, you'll probably need to add some swap.

It will produce a number of packages in the parent directory:

cd ..
ls *deb

You can now install the individual packages with sudo dpkg -i pakage_name.deb or all of them with sudo dpkg -i *deb

like image 157
Hieu Le Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 17:11

Hieu Le