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Recommendations for Windows text editor for R [closed]




People also ask

How to show text editor in Visual Studio?

Display. The Display section of Tools > Options > Text Editor > General includes the following options.

Does Visual Studio have a text editor?

Visual Studio (the text editor is known as Visual Studio Code so we'll refer to that from now on) is Microsoft's free text editor that runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

What is code editor in vb net?

The Visual Studio editor provides many features that make it easier for you to write and manage your code and text. You can expand and collapse different blocks of code by using outlining. You can learn more about the code by using IntelliSense, the Object Browser, and the Call Hierarchy.

This list is still pretty current, I think with one notable exception.

Check out R Studio, as well.

Emacs with ESS, which you can install via Vincent Goulet's prepackaged versions. No further configuration needed.

One really nice things about Emacs/ESS is that it behaves the same no matter which OS you are on, which makes switching a lot easier.

I used Notepad++ with NppToR and found it quite lightweight and effective.

Vim is usually a favorite.