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Recommendations for a Lua IDE and debugger on Windows [closed]



What is the IDE commonly used on Windows for Lua development?(I am using Netbeans and I am ready to switch).

Has anybody used LuaEclipse? Would you recommend the LuaEclipse debugger?

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Harish Shetty Avatar asked Jan 26 '11 18:01

Harish Shetty

People also ask

What IDE should I use for Lua?

notepad++ will be more than ok for what you need to do… If you are on linux, notepadqq, or geany, or atom (atom being the most complex on in this small list). Lua, like all good programming languages, doesn't necessarily require anything other a text editor, like Notepad++, Emacs, Vim (what I use), etc.

How do I install ZeroBrane?

ZeroBrane Studio can be installed in three different ways: Download and install one of the packages provided on the download page. Download the snapshot of the repository. Clone the repository.

4 Answers

You may want to try ZeroBrane Studio IDE, which includes a remote debugger and integrates with Love2d, Moai, and other Lua engines.

(These details are used to be in this SO answer, but the question has since been deleted, so I moved some of the information here.)

  • Lua IDE, written in Lua; simple and lightweight
  • Syntax highlighting and code folding
  • Auto-completion for functions and keywords
  • Interactive console to directly test code snippets with local and remote execution
  • Integrated debugger (with support for local and remote debugging)
  • Integrated static analyzer
  • Unique live coding feature (demo)
  • Love2d auto-completion, debugging, and live coding
  • Moai integration, debugging, and live coding
  • Gideros Mobile debugging and live coding
  • OpenResty/Nginx Lua script debugging
  • Adobe Lightroom Lua plugin debugging
  • On-device debugging for Corona SDK and Gideros Mobile
  • Integrated markdown formatting for providing lessons and instructions
  • No install required; runs from any folder
  • Open-source (MIT license)
  • Windows, Mac, and Linux

ZeroBrane Studio screenshot

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Paul Kulchenko Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11

Paul Kulchenko

You might consider using IntelliJ's Lua plugin (Disclaimer: I am the author).

You can read about the features here:


There are also lots of pictures and screencasts so you can get a feel for things without much effort.

IntelliJ Community Edition and the Lua plugin are both free.

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sylvanaar Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 05:11


Scite is a pretty solid editor and has popup help for Lua library functions, in addition to code completion. If you're working on a C/C++ program with Lua embedded in it, you may also want to try editing Lua files directly in VS using the VSLua extension. It just does syntax highlighting, but it's nice not to have to flip between programs when editing files (assuming your other monitors, if you have them, are displaying something else important).

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Gemini14 Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 06:11


I personally like vim, Scite and geany which all are crossplatform. Those, combined with RemDebug from the Kepler project make a nice combo, all you need is an extra terminal for the debugger.

If you want to have an easy example, the most recent beta of murgaLua comes with all required lib's.

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jpjacobs Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 04:11
