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Recaptcha in Angular JS

I am implementing recaptcha in Angular JS, I am using "https://github.com/VividCortex/angular-recaptcha" url as reference. I have referred the Usage section and followed the instructions of code but still not able to get recaptcha in registration page.

Steps I have followed - 1. Generated a public key. 2. Added 3. Added div for recaptcha

  1. Added the anular-recaptcha.js in page - downloded form github code of above url.

Can anyone please let me know what I am missing in it? Can anyone can give me demo example link for recaptcha?

Thanks in advance.

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Sachin Warke Avatar asked Jan 30 '14 10:01

Sachin Warke

3 Answers

example that woked for me

<div vc-recaptcha key="'domain-key'" on-success="setResponse(response)"></div>


var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute','vcRecaptcha']);


var ctrl = function ($rootScope, $scope, $location, $routeParams, registrationService) {

        $scope.reCaptchaResponse = "";
        $scope.setResponse = function (response) {
            $scope.reCaptchaResponse = response;
        $scope.register = function () {
            var registration = {
                reCaptchaResponse: $scope.reCaptchaResponse
            $http.post(serviceBase + 'Register', registration).then(function (results) {                
                //return result


    public JsonResult Register(UserDTO registration)
        string responseFromServer = "";
        WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=mysecret&response=" + registration.ReCaptchaResponse);
        request.Method = "GET";
        using (WebResponse response = request.GetResponse())
            using (Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
                responseFromServer = reader.ReadToEnd();

        if(responseFromServer != "")
            bool isSuccess = false;          
            Dictionary<string, string> values = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Dictionary<string, string>>(responseFromServer);
            foreach (var item in values)
                if (item.Key == "success" && item.Value == "True")
                    isSuccess = true;

                //do something
                //return reCaptcha error


        return Json(result);
like image 55
ahaliav fox Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11

ahaliav fox

Sorry if you have already checked this...

They have a demo file here.

They also mention ..."Keep in mind that the captcha only works when used from a real domain and with a valid re-captcha key, so this file wont work if you just load it in your browser."

I followed their instructions and it worked okay for me.

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Coder Panda Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11

Coder Panda

Step1: Include captcha directive in form.html

<body ng-app="angularRecaptcha">
    <div class="col-md-6 col-md-offset-3 signupform" ng-controller="recapCtrl as recap">
      <form name="recap.signupForm" ng-submit="recap.signup()">
        <!--Recaptcha Widget--->
        <div vc-recaptcha key="recap.publicKey"></div>

Step2: Next is the App.js

The angular-recaptcha library provides us with the vcRecaptchaService that has a getResponse() method, which provides us with g-captcha-response string after the user has successfully solved the captcha.

    var vm = this;
    vm.publicKey = "----YOUR------SITE--------KEY---";

    vm.signup = function(){

     /* vcRecaptchaService.getResponse() gives you the g-captcha-response */

        if(vcRecaptchaService.getResponse() === ""){ //if string is empty
            alert("Please resolve the captcha and submit!")
        }else {
            var post_data = {  //prepare payload for request
                'g-recaptcha-response':vcRecaptchaService.getResponse()  //send g-captcah-response to our server

/* MAKE AJAX REQUEST to our server with g-captcha-string */
                if(response.error === 0){
                    alert("Successfully verified and signed up the user");
                    alert("User verification failed");


Step 3: Handle the POST request at api endpoint using SLIM PHP framework

$app->post('/signup',function() use($app){
$req =  $app->request()->getBody(); //get request pramans
$data = json_decode($req, true); //parse json string

//Should be some validations before you proceed
//Not in the scope of this answer.

$captcha = $data['g-recaptcha-response']; //Captcha response send by client

    //Build post data to make request with fetch_file_contents
    $postdata = http_build_query(
        'secret' => '-----YOUR SECRET KEY-------', //secret KEy provided by google
        'response' => $captcha,                    // g-captcha-response string sent from client
        'remoteip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']

    //Build options for the post request
    $opts = array('http' =>
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'header'  => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        'content' => $postdata

    //Create a stream this is required to make post request with fetch_file_contents
    $context  = stream_context_create($opts); 

/* Send request to Googles siteVerify API */
$response = json_decode($response, true);

if($response["success"]===false) { //if user verification failed

    /* return error scenario to client */
    echo json_encode(array(
        "error" => 7,
        "message" => "Robots Not allowed (Captcha verification failed)",
        "captchaResult" => $response["success"],
        "captcahErrCodes" => $response["error-codes"]  //error codes sent buy google's siteVerify API
} else {

         //Should be some Datatbase insertion to sign up the user
         //before you return the success response
         //Not in the scope of this answer.

    /* return success scenario to client */
    echo json_encode(array(
    "error" => 0,
    "message" => "Successfully signed up!",
        "email" => $data['email'],
        "captchaResult" => $response["success"]

like image 35
Harsh Gupta Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 17:11

Harsh Gupta