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How to use $location in Directives in AngularJs

I am creating a directive in which onclick it takes the user to another page. Somewhat like a customized "href" tag. I was hoping $location would take care of the redirection function but for reasons I do not know yey, this does not work. If I use $location in a controller it works but from within a Directive, it does not. Here is the code:

    .directive('hpHref', ['$location' , function($location){
        return {
            restrict : "A",
            link : function(scope, el, attr) {
                    el.bind('click', function(){
                        // more logic
                        console.log("Code reaches here:");
                        $location.path("/" + attr.hpHref);

Also tried having a controller as part of the Directive. i.e.

    .directive('hpHref', function(){
        return {
            restrict : "A",
            scope: {},
            controller : ['$scope', '$location', function($scope, $location){
                $scope.goToUrl = function (url) {
                    // some more logic
                    console.log("Code reaches here");
            link : function(scope, el, attr) {
                    el.bind('click', function(){

This too does not work. What is the problem? And how can $location be used within Directives?

like image 702
dade Avatar asked Sep 28 '13 12:09


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1 Answers

So, as per the comment above, any time you call Angular outside of Angular's own event handlers (ng-click etc), you have to call $scope.$apply(). JQuery events are the most common case people forgetto call $apply().

like image 101
Nikos Paraskevopoulos Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 15:10

Nikos Paraskevopoulos