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Read/Write file with unicode file name with plain C++/Boost

I want to read / write a file with a unicode file name using boost filesystem, boost locale on Windows (mingw) (should be platform independent at the end).

This is my code:

#include <boost/locale.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main() {


  fs::path file("äöü.txt");
  if (!fs::exists(file)) {
    std::cout << "File does not exist" << std::endl;

  fs::ofstream(file, std::ios_base::app) << "Test" << std::endl;

The fs::exists really checks for a file with the name äöü.txt. But the written file has the name äöü.txt.

Reading gives the same problem. Using fs::wofstream doesn't help either, since this just handles wide input.

How can I fix this using C++11 and boost?

Edit: Bug report posted: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/9968

To clarify for the bounty: It is quite simple with Qt, but I would like a cross platform solution using just C++11 and Boost, no Qt and no ICU.

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Mike M Avatar asked Apr 30 '14 16:04

Mike M

4 Answers

This can be complicated, for two reasons:

  1. There's a non-ASCII string in your C++ source file. How this literal gets converted to the binary representation of a const char * would depend on compiler settings and/or OS codepage settings.

  2. Windows only works with Unicode filenames through the UTF-16 encoding, while Unix uses UTF-8 for Unicode filenames.

Constructing the path object

To get this working on Windows, you can try to change your literal to wide characters (UTF-16):

const wchar_t *name = L"\u00E4\u00F6\u00FC.txt";
fs::path file(name);

To get a full cross-platform solution, you'll have to start with either a UTF-8 or a UTF-16 string, then make sure it gets properly converted to the path::string_type class.

Opening the file stream

Unfortunately, the C++ (and thus Boost) ofstream API does not allow specifying wchar_t strings as the filename. This is the case for both the constructor and the open method.

You could try to make sure that the path object does not get immediately converted to const char * (by using the C++11 string API) but this probably won't help:

std::ofstream(file.native()) << "Test" << std::endl;

For Windows to work, you might be able have to call the Unicode-aware Windows API, CreateFileW, convert the HANDLE to a FILE *, then use the FILE * for the ofstream constructor. This is all described in another StackOverflow answer, but I'm not sure if that ofstream constructor will exist on MinGW.

Unfortunately basic_ofstream doesn't seem to allow subclassing for custom basic_filebuf types, so the FILE * conversion might be the only (completely non-portable) option.

An alternative: Memory-mapped files

Instead of using file streams, you can also write to files using memory-mapped I/O. Depending on how Boost implements this (it's not part of the C++ standard library), this method could work with Windows Unicode file names.

Here's a boost example (taken from another answer) that uses a path object to open the file:

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>
#include <iostream>

int main()
  boost::filesystem::path p(L"b.cpp");
  boost::iostreams::mapped_file file(p); // or mapped_file_source
  std::cout << file.data() << std::endl;
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Dan Cecile Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 20:11

Dan Cecile

I don't know how the answer here got accepted, since OP does fs::path::imbue(std::locale()); precisely not to give a damn about OS's codepage, std::wstring and what not. Otherwise yeah, he'd just use plain old iconv, Winapi calls or other things suggested in the accepted answer. But that is not the point of using boost::locale here.

The real answer why this doesn't work, even though OP does imbue() current locale like instructed in the Boost's documentation (see "Default Encoding under Microsoft Windows"), is because of boost (or mingw) bugs that go unresolved for at least a couple of years as of March 2015.

  • Issue #9968
  • Issue #9450
  • Issue #5769

Unfortunately, mingw users seem to be left out in the cold.

Now, what boost developers should do in order to cover for these bugs is a whole different matter. It might turn out they need to implement precisely what Dan has stated.

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rr- Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 18:11


Have you considered the approach of using ASCII characters in your source code and using the Boost Messages Formatting capabilities of the Boost.Locale library to look up the desired string using a ASCII key? http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/locale/doc/html/messages_formatting.html

Alternatively you can use the Boost.Locale library to generate a UTF-8 library and then imbue Boost.Path with that locale using " boost::path::imbue()." http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/boost-filesystem-path-as-utf-8-td4320098.html

This may also be of use to you.

Default Encoding under Microsoft Windows http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_51_0/libs/locale/doc/html/default_encoding_under_windows.html

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Ben Key Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 19:11

Ben Key

EDIT : add references to boost and wchar_t at end of post and another possible solution on Windows

I could reproduce nearly same thing on ubuntu and on windows without even using boost (I don't have it on my windows box). To fix it, I just had to convert the source in the same encoding as the system, ie utf8 on Ubuntu and latin1 or iso-8859-1 on Windows.

As I suspected, the problem comes from the line fs::path file("äöü.txt");. As the encoding of the file is not what is expected it is more or less read as fs::path file("äöü.txt");. It you control, you will find that the size is 10. That fully explains that the output file has a wrong name.

I suspect that the test if (!fs::exists(file)) correctly works because either boost or windows automatically fixes the encoding on input.

So on Windows, simply use an editor in code page 1252 or latin1 or iso-8859-1, and you should not have problems, provided you do not have to use characters outside of this charset. If you need characters outside of Latin1 I am afraid that you will have to use the unicode API of Windows.


In fact, Windows (> NT) works natively with wchar_t and not char. And not surprisingly, boost on windows does the same - see boost library filesystemreference. Extract :

For Windows-like implementations, including MinGW, path::value_type is wchar_t. The default imbued locale provides a codecvt facet that invokes Windows MultiByteToWideChar or WideCharToMultiByte API with a codepage of CP_THREAD_ACP if Windows AreFileApisANSI()is true ...

So, another solution in Windows that would allow full unicode character set (or at least the subset natively offered by Windows) would be to give the file path as as wstring and not as as string. Alternatively if you really want to use UTF8 encoded filenames you will have to force the thread locale to use UTF8 and not CP1252. I cannot give code example of that because I don't have boost on my windows box, my windows box runs old XP and does not support UTF8 and I don't want to post untested code, but I think that in that case, you should replace


with something like :


BEWARE : untested so I'm not sure if the string for generate is UTF8 or something else ...

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Serge Ballesta Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 18:11

Serge Ballesta