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Reading parent document from iFrame and changing parent

I'm trying to write a JavaScript application that will load a button up in an iFrame on a page. This application will read the parent document and strip out all images, apply minimal styling and reload the parent with this newly marked up page.

The problem I am having is reading and writing the parent document from the iFrame. Does anyone know of a way to achieve this? I've read up a little on cross-domain messaging but am unsure of the alternatives and which would be best.

Thanks in advance.

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MeanwhileInHell Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 09:01


People also ask

How can I change parent URL in iframe?

1) click on images link in iframe changes Parent page, click on another iframe image link changes Parent to another page (see below). can you please post the code you're currently using, in addition to the link you provided? You need to name the parent and use the target attribute.

Can iframe access parent document?

It's still possible to access the parent from within a frame provided that the domains match. The variables parent and top can be overwritten (usually not intended). It's safer to use window.

How can an iframe communicate with its parent?

All you have to do is first dispatch an event from the iframe to the parent that notifies the parent that the iframe is loaded (essentially a "ready message"). The parent will be listening for messages and if it receives the "ready message" event, it can then reply to the iframe with whatever message you want to send.

1 Answers

You can reference the parent either by using parent or using the top variable that always points to the outer most document.

  • parent == parent window
  • top == out most window

So for accesing the first div in the parent window

var d = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("div")[0];

But as noted already in the comment, both the outer document and the document in the iframe need to be from the same domain or you will be blocked for security reasons.

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David Mårtensson Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10

David Mårtensson