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reading last n lines from file in c/c++




I have seen many posts but didn't find something like i want.
I am getting wrong output :

ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ......  // may be this is EOF character

Going into infinite loop.

My algorithm:

  1. Go to end of file.
  2. decrease position of pointer by 1 and read character by character.
  3. exit if we found our 10 lines or we reach beginning of file.
  4. now i will scan the full file till EOF and print them //not implemented in code.



using namespace std;
int main()
    FILE *f1=fopen("input.txt","r");
    FILE *f2=fopen("output.txt","w");
    int i,j,pos;
        int count=0;
        char ch;
        int begin=ftell(f1);
        // GO TO END OF FILE
        int end = ftell(f1);

            // FILE IS LESS THAN 10 LINES
    return 0;

UPD 1:

changed code: it has just 1 error now - if input has lines like


it prints 10 lines only


1. working on windows in notepad++

  1. this is not homework

  2. also i want to do it without using any more memory or use of STL.

  3. i am practicing to improve my basic knowledge so please don't post about any functions (like tail -5 tc.)

please help to improve my code.

like image 602
Aseem Goyal Avatar asked Jul 26 '13 08:07

Aseem Goyal

People also ask

How do you print last 10 lines of file?

head -15 /etc/passwd To look at the last few lines of a file, use the tail command. tail works the same way as head: type tail and the filename to see the last 10 lines of that file, or type tail -number filename to see the last number lines of the file. Try using tail to look at the last five lines of your .

How do I read the last line of a file in C++?

If file is open then Declare a string “tp”. Read all data of file object newfile using getline() method and put it into the string tp. Print the data of string tp. Close the file object newfile using close() method.

4 Answers

Comments in the code

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    FILE *in, *out;
    int count = 0;
    long int pos;
    char s[100];

    in = fopen("input.txt", "r");
    /* always check return of fopen */
    if (in == NULL) {
    out = fopen("output.txt", "w");
    if (out == NULL) {
    fseek(in, 0, SEEK_END);
    pos = ftell(in);
    /* Don't write each char on output.txt, just search for '\n' */
    while (pos) {
        fseek(in, --pos, SEEK_SET); /* seek from begin */
        if (fgetc(in) == '\n') {
            if (count++ == 10) break;
    /* Write line by line, is faster than fputc for each char */
    while (fgets(s, sizeof(s), in) != NULL) {
        fprintf(out, "%s", s);
    return 0;
like image 169
David Ranieri Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10

David Ranieri

There are a number of problems with your code. The most important one is that you never check that any of the functions succeeded. And saving the results an ftell in an int isn't a very good idea either. Then there's the test pos < begin; this can only occur if there was an error. And the fact that you're putting the results of fgetc in a char (which results in a loss of information). And the fact that the first read you do is at the end of file, so will fail (and once a stream enters an error state, it stays there). And the fact that you can't reliably do arithmetic on the values returned by ftell (except under Unix) if the file was opened in text mode.

Oh, and there is no "EOF character"; 'ÿ' is a perfectly valid character (0xFF in Latin-1). Once you assign the return value of fgetc to a char, you've lost any possibility to test for end of file.

I might add that reading backwards one character at a time is extremely inefficient. The usual solution would be to allocate a sufficiently large buffer, then count the '\n' in it.


Just a quick bit of code to give the idea:

getLastLines( std::string const& filename, int lineCount )
    size_t const granularity = 100 * lineCount;
    std::ifstream source( filename.c_str(), std::ios_base::binary );
    source.seekg( 0, std::ios_base::end );
    size_t size = static_cast<size_t>( source.tellg() );
    std::vector<char> buffer;
    int newlineCount = 0;
    while ( source 
            && buffer.size() != size
            && newlineCount < lineCount ) {
        buffer.resize( std::min( buffer.size() + granularity, size ) );
        source.seekg( -static_cast<std::streamoff>( buffer.size() ),
                      std::ios_base::end );
        source.read( buffer.data(), buffer.size() );
        newlineCount = std::count( buffer.begin(), buffer.end(), '\n');
    std::vector<char>::iterator start = buffer.begin();
    while ( newlineCount > lineCount ) {
        start = std::find( start, buffer.end(), '\n' ) + 1;
        -- newlineCount;
    std::vector<char>::iterator end = remove( start, buffer.end(), '\r' );
    return std::string( start, end );

This is a bit weak in the error handling; in particular, you probably want to distinguish the between the inability to open a file and any other errors. (No other errors should occur, but you never know.)

Also, this is purely Windows, and it supposes that the actual file contains pure text, and doesn't contain any '\r' that aren't part of a CRLF. (For Unix, just drop the next to the last line.)

like image 42
James Kanze Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10

James Kanze

This can be done using circular array very efficiently. No additional buffer is required.

void printlast_n_lines(char* fileName, int n){

    const int k = n;
    ifstream file(fileName);
    string l[k];
    int size = 0 ;

        getline(file, l[size%k]); //this is just circular array
        cout << l[size%k] << '\n';

    //start of circular array & size of it 
    int start = size > k ? (size%k) : 0 ; //this get the start of last k lines 
    int count = min(k, size); // no of lines to print

    for(int i = 0; i< count ; i++){
        cout << l[(start+i)%k] << '\n' ; // start from in between and print from start due to remainder till all counts are covered

Please provide feedback.

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4 revs, 4 users 54% Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 11:10

4 revs, 4 users 54%

int end = ftell(f1);

this tells you the last point at file, so EOF. When you read, you get the EOF error, and the ppointer wants to move 1 space forward...

So, i recomend decreasing the current position by one. Or put the fseek(f1, -2,SEEK_CUR) at the beginning of the while loop to make up for the fread by 1 point and go 1 point back...

like image 37
DaMachk Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 13:10
