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C++ - error while using atoi




I am trying to use the atoi function in order to obtain conversion from string to int. The thing is that I have a string array which contains both integers and string values.

From what I've read, in order to get the error code from it, the function must return 0 :

string s = "ssss";
int i = atoi(s.c_str())
if (i == 0)

How should I proceed if my string value is 0 ?

Another issue is with this string : string s = "001_01_01_041_00.png". The atoi function returns the value 1. Shouldn't it return 0. Why does it return 1?

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Simon Avatar asked Nov 20 '12 10:11


3 Answers

That is why atoi is unsafe to use. It doesn't detect and inform the program if the input is invalid.

C++11 has introduced std:stoi which is safe, as it throws exception if input is invalid in some way. There are also two other variants : std::stol and std:stoll. See the online documentation for detail:

  • std::stoi, std::stol, std::stoll

Your code would become this:

try {
     string s = "ssss";
     int  i = std::stoi(s); //don't call c_str() 
     //if (i == 0) no need to check!
     std::cout << i << endl;
catch(std::exception const & e)
     cout<<"error : " << e.what() <<endl;

Note that the runtime type of e could be either std::invalid_argument or std::out_of_range depending on the cause of the throw. You could just write two catch blocks if you want them to handle differently.

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Nawaz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 19:11


There are already good answers recommending the C++ APIs of std::stoi and boost::lexical_cast.

atoi() is a C API, and broken even in C because you can't tell failure apart from a successful parse of zero. If you're writing C, use strtol() and friends instead if you care about errors, because it reports them out-of-band in ERRNO.

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pndc Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11


Because the number in 001_ is 1, why should it return 0? If you want to only process one character, just use isdigit(s[0]) and s[0]-'0'. If you want better error checking to see how much of the string contains digit, use strtol.

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Michael Krelin - hacker Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 21:11

Michael Krelin - hacker