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Reading Group Policy Settings using C#

How do I go about iterating over available and/or set settings in a given GPO (using name or GUID) in an AD domain? Without having to export to XML/HTML using powershell, etc.

I'm using C# (.NET 4.0).

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Nasir Avatar asked Mar 15 '11 23:03


People also ask

How do I see all group policy settings?

To review settings in any version of a GPOIn the Group Policy Management Console tree, click Change Control in the forest and domain in which you want to manage GPOs. On the Contents tab in the details pane, click a tab to display GPOs. Double-click the GPO to display its history.

How do I get to group policy configuration on my computer?

Open the Control Panel on the Start Menu. Click the Windows icon on the Toolbar, and then click the widget icon for Settings. Start typing 'group policy' or 'gpedit' and click the 'Edit Group Policy' option.

Does Gpresult show computer policies?

The GPResult command, also called “group policy result”, is a Windows command-line tool used to check and display the group policies applied on the computer. You can run the GPResult command via Windows command prompt or PowerShell.

2 Answers

That question got me hyped so I went to research it. So a +1

Some solutions I found from the top being the best to bottom being the worst

  • A good explanation with an example and example script!
  • This one, tells you to go through the registry but you gotta figure out who to access the AD
  • Pinvoke: Queries for a group policy override for specified power settings.
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Reza M. Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09

Reza M.

I had a similar problem, and didn't want to download and install the Microsoft GPO library (Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management). I wanted to do it all with System.DirectoryServices. It took a little digging, but it can be done.

First retrieve your container using DirectorySearcher. You'll need to have already opened a directory entry to pass into the searcher. The filter you want is:

string filter = "(&" + "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)" + "(OU=" + container + "))";

and the property you're interested in is named "gPLink", so create an array with that property in it:

string[] requestProperties = { "gPLink" };

Now retrieve the results, and pull out the gPLink, if available.

using (var searcher = new DirectorySearcher(directory, filter, properties, SearchScope.Subtree))
    SearchResultCollection results = searcher.FindAll();
    DirectoryEntry entry = results[0].GetDirectoryEntry();
    string gpLink = entry.Properties["gPLink"].Value;

If gpLink is null, there is no GPO associated with the container (OU). Otherwise, gpLink will contain a string such as this:


In the text above, you can see a CN for the GPO. All we need to do now is retrieve the GPO from the DC.

For that, we use a filter that looks like this:

string filter = "(&" +
    "(objectClass=groupPolicyContainer)" +

You'll want to create a Properties array that include the following:

Properties = { "objectClass", "cn", "distinguishedName", "instanceType", "whenCreated",
    "whenChanged", "displayName", "uSNCreated", "uSNChanged", "showInAdvancedViewOnly",
    "name", "objectGUID", "flags", "versionNumber", "systemFlags", "objectCategory", 
    "isCriticalSystemObject", "gPCFunctionalityVersion", "gPCFileSysPath",
    "gPCMachineExtensionNames", "dSCorePropagationData", "nTSecurityDescriptor" };

Now use DirectorySearcher to retrieve the GPO. You'll get back a DirectoryEntry in the results that contains all of the above fields in the Properties collection. Some are COM objects, so you'll have to handle those appropriately.

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ChopperCharles Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 08:09
