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Getting file url after upload amazon s3

I need to get file url after upload the file to amazons3 server. Here is my upload code. How to return amazons3 path ?

public static bool UploadToS3(string bucketName, string bucketFilePath, Byte[] localPath)
        var client = Amazon.AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonS3Client(Config.EmailServer.AwsAccessKey, Config.EmailServer.AwsSecretKey, Amazon.RegionEndpoint.EUWest1);

        PutObjectRequest request = new PutObjectRequest()
            BucketName = bucketName,
            Key = bucketFilePath,
            InputStream = new MemoryStream(localPath),
            AutoCloseStream = true,
            CannedACL = S3CannedACL.PublicRead,
            StorageClass = S3StorageClass.ReducedRedundancy                

        PutObjectResponse response = client.PutObject(request);
        return true;
like image 566
erkan demir Avatar asked Jan 15 '14 08:01

erkan demir

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1 Answers

Simply you can generate download expiry link after upload completed.


var expiryUrlRequest = new GetPreSignedUrlRequest()

string url = _amazonS3Client.GetPreSignedURL(expiryUrlRequest);
like image 144
Yahya Younes Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 18:10

Yahya Younes