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Reading from streams instead of files in spring batch itemReader



I am getting a csv file as a webservice call which needs to be laoded. Right now I am saving it in temp directory to provide it as setResource to Reader.

Is there a way to provide stream(byte[]) as is instead of saving the file first?

like image 918
explorer Avatar asked Oct 22 '15 21:10


1 Answers

The method setResource of the ItemReader takes a org.springframework.core.io.Resource as a parameter. This class has a few out-of-the-box implementations, among which you can find org.springframework.core.io.InputStreamResource. This class' constructor takes a java.io.InputStream which can be implemented by java.io.ByteArrayInputStream.

So technically, yes you can consume a byte[] parameter in an ItemReader.

Now, for how to actually do that, here are a few ideas :

1) Create your own FlatFileItemReader (since CSV is a flat file) and make it implement StepExecutionListener

public class CustomFlatFileItemReader<T> extends FlatFileItemReader<T> implements StepExecutionListener {

2) Override the beforeStep method, do your webservice call within and save the result in a variable

private byte[] stream;

public void beforeStep(StepExecution stepExecution) {

     // your webservice logic
     stream = yourWebservice.results();


3) Override the setResource method to pass this stream as the actual resource.

public void setResource(Resource resource) {

    // Convert byte array to input stream
    InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(stream);

    // Create springbatch input stream resource
    InputStreamResource res = new InputStreamResource(is);

    // Set resource

Also, if you don't want to call your webservice within the ItemReader, you can simply store the byte array in the JobExecutionContext and get it in the beforeStep method with stepExecution.getJobExecution().getExecutionContext().get("key");

like image 61
Thrax Avatar answered Jan 14 '23 04:01
