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Reading Excel file with Scala

I am writing a quick test that registers a user with the data from a spreadsheet.

The idea is Go to the website > click register > Read excel rows A1 and B1 for email and password > use this data on registration site> finish the registration > log out > Register a new user with information from rows A2 and B2 > continue until rows in the spreadsheet are empty.

I have managed to automate the registration process with random user information and now I just need to make it do the same with the specific email and password taken from the spreadsheet.

I have tried using Apache Poi, but not exactly sure how to use it and how to make it loop itself until the end of the spreadsheet.

This what I have so far but i believe it's wrong:

val myData = new File("/desktop/files.file.xmls")

val fis = new FileInputStream(myData)

val myWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fis)

val mySheet = myWorkbook.getSheetAt(0)

val rowIterator = mySheet.iterator()


val row = rowIterator.next()

  val cellIterator = row.cellIterator()

  while(cellIterator.hasNext) {
    val cell = cellIterator.next()
      cell.getCellType match {
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_STRING => {
          print(cell.getStringCellValue + "\t")
        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC => {
          print(cell.getNumericCellValue + "\t")

        case Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK => {
          print("null" + "\t")

like image 674
AlienHead Avatar asked Feb 15 '18 15:02


1 Answers

Just as a note, I'm using poi 3.17. So my build.sbt has

"org.apache.poi" % "poi" % "3.17"
"org.apache.poi" % "poi-ooxml" % "3.17"

in it. If you're using a different version then state so in the question and I'll update my answer.

Here's my example excel file:

enter image description here

First off, imports:

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.{ DataFormatter, WorkbookFactory, Row }
import java.io.File
import collection.JavaConversions._ // lets you iterate over a java iterable

Then you can pull in your file with the WorkbookFactory and get your sheet:

val f = new File("Example.xlsx")
val workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(f)
val sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0) // Assuming they're in the first sheet here.

Next, if you pay attention to the type of Sheet you'll notice that it implements Iterable<Row> which means that you can just use for with it to loop over all the rows:

for (row <- sheet) {
    // Do things

provided that you don't need to return anything from the loop of course. If you need to do that, you should be able to do

sheet.map { row => }

Next, to get the actual value of the cell you'll want a formatter:

val formatter = new DataFormatter()

and then to pull the A column, you call getCell on the row at index 0:

val maybeA = Option(row.getCell(0, Row.MissingCellPolicy.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL)) // lift null to None
val maybeB = Option(row.getCell(1, Row.MissingCellPolicy.RETURN_BLANK_AS_NULL))

then I assume you only want to do something if you have both of these cells, in which case you can leverage a for comprehension across these two:

val maybeEmailAndPass = for {
    a <- maybeA
    b <- maybeB
} yield {
    val email = formatter.formatCellValue(a) 
    val pass = formatter.formatCellValue(b)
    (email, pass)

then if you have something you can do whatever you want with it.

And the above ran on my example gives me

Some((Row1 Email,Row1 Pass))
Some((Row2 Email,Row2 Pass))
like image 82
EdgeCaseBerg Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
