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Reading csv files with quoted fields containing embedded commas

I am reading a csv file in Pyspark as follows:


However, the data file has quoted fields with embedded commas in them which should not be treated as commas. How can I handle this in Pyspark ? I know pandas can handle this, but can Spark ? The version I am using is Spark 2.0.0.

Here is an example which works in Pandas but fails using Spark:

In [1]: import pandas as pd  In [2]: pdf = pd.read_csv('malformed_data.csv')  In [3]: sdf=spark.read.format("org.apache.spark.csv").csv('malformed_data.csv',header=True)  In [4]: pdf[['col12','col13','col14']] Out[4]:                     col12                                             col13  \ 0  32 XIY "W"   JK, RE LK  SOMETHINGLIKEAPHENOMENON#YOUGOTSOUL~BRINGDANOISE 1                     NaN                     OUTKAST#THROOTS~WUTANG#RUNDMC     col14 0   23.0 1    0.0  In [5]: sdf.select("col12","col13",'col14').show() +------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |             col12|               col13|               col14| +------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |"32 XIY ""W""   JK|              RE LK"|SOMETHINGLIKEAPHE...| |              null|OUTKAST#THROOTS~W...|                 0.0| +------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ 

The contents of the file :

    col1,col2,col3,col4,col5,col6,col7,col8,col9,col10,col11,col12,col13,col14,col15,col16,col17,col18,col19 80015360210876000,11.22,X,4076710258,,,sxsw,,"32 YIU ""A""",S5,,"32 XIY ""W""   JK, RE LK",SOMETHINGLIKEAPHENOMENON#YOUGOTSOUL~BRINGDANOISE,23.0,cyclingstats,2012-25-19,432,2023-05-17,CODERED 61670000229561918,137.12,U,8234971771,,,woodstock,,,T4,,,OUTKAST#THROOTS~WUTANG#RUNDMC,0.0,runstats,2013-21-22,1333,2019-11-23,CODEBLUE 
like image 379
femibyte Avatar asked Nov 04 '16 00:11


People also ask

How do you handle double quotes and commas in a CSV file?

Since CSV files use the comma character "," to separate columns, values that contain commas must be handled as a special case. These fields are wrapped within double quotation marks. The first double quote signifies the beginning of the column data, and the last double quote marks the end.

Why does my CSV file have quotation marks?

Quotation marks appear in CSV files as text qualifiers. This means, they function to wrap together text that should be kept as one value, versus what are distinct values that should be separated out.

2 Answers

I noticed that your problematic line has escaping that uses double quotes themselves:

"32 XIY ""W"" JK, RE LK"

which should be interpreter just as

32 XIY "W" JK, RE LK

As described in RFC-4180, page 2 -

  1. If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote

That's what Excel does, for example, by default.

Although in Spark (as of Spark 2.1), escaping is done by default through non-RFC way, using backslah (\). To fix this you have to explicitly tell Spark to use doublequote to use as an escape character:

.option("quote", "\"") .option("escape", "\"") 

This may explain that a comma character wasn't interpreted correctly as it was inside a quoted column.

Options for Spark csv format are not documented well on Apache Spark site, but here's a bit older documentation which I still find useful quite often:


Update Aug 2018: Spark 3.0 might change this behavior to be RFC-compliant. See SPARK-22236 for details.

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Tagar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 06:09


For anyone doing this in Scala: Tagar's answer nearly worked for me (thank you!); all I had to do was escape the double quote when setting my option param:

.option("quote", "\"") .option("escape", "\"") 

I'm using Spark 2.3, so I can confirm Tagar's solution still seems to work the same under the new release.

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Allie Rogers Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Allie Rogers