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Read large data from csv file in php [duplicate]

I am reading csv & checking with mysql that records are present in my table or not in php.

csv has near about 25000 records & when i run my code it display "Service Unavailable" error after 2m 10s (onload: 2m 10s)

here i have added code

// for set memory limit & execution time
ini_set('memory_limit', '512M');
ini_set('max_execution_time', '180');

//function to read csv file
function readCSV($csvFile)
    $file_handle = fopen($csvFile, 'r');
    while (!feof($file_handle) ) {

       set_time_limit(60); // you can enable this if you have lot of data

       $line_of_text[] = fgetcsv($file_handle, 1024);
   return $line_of_text;

// Set path to CSV file
$csvFile = 'my_records.csv';

$csv = readCSV($csvFile);

   $user_email= $csv[$i][1];

   $qry = "SELECT u.user_id, u.user_email_id FROM tbl_user as u WHERE u.user_email_id = '".$user_email."'";

   $result = @mysql_query($qry) or die("Couldn't execute query:".mysql_error().''.mysql_errno());

   $rec = @mysql_fetch_row($result);

      echo "Record exist";
      echo "Record not exist"; 

Note: I just want to list out records those are not exist in my table.

Please suggest me solution on this...

like image 802
Andy Martin Avatar asked Jul 08 '13 06:07

Andy Martin

People also ask

What is the better way to read the large CSV file in PHP?

To read the file, we will use the fopen function of PHP, this inbuilt function is used to simply open a file from a local URL, it's used to bind a resource to a steam. It expects as second argument the mode in which we'll operate, in this case, just reading with the r identifier.

How to use fgetcsv in PHP?

PHP fgetcsv() Function$file = fopen("contacts. csv","r"); print_r(fgetcsv($file)); fclose($file);

What is Fgetcsv function in PHP?

PHP - Function fgetcsv() The fgetcsv() function can parse a line from an open file and check for CSV fields. This function stops returning on a new line at a specified length or EOF, whichever comes first. This function returns CSV fields in the array on success or false on failure and EOF.

3 Answers

After struggling a lot, finally i found a good solution, may be it help others also. When i tried 2,367KB csv file containing 18226 rows, the least time taken by different php scripts were (1) from php.net fgetcsv documentation named CsvImporter, and (2) file_get_contents => PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory exhausted

(1) took 0.92574405670166 (2) took 0.12543702125549 (string form) & 0.52903485298157 (splitted to array) Note: this calculation not include adding to mysql.

The best solution i found uses 3.0644409656525 total including adding to database and some conditional check also. It took 11 seconds in processing a 8MB file. solution is :

$csvInfo = analyse_file($file, 5);
    $lineSeperator = $csvInfo['line_ending']['value'];
    $fieldSeperator = $csvInfo['delimiter']['value'];
    $columns = getColumns($file);
    echo '<br>========Details========<br>';
    echo 'Line Sep: \t '.$lineSeperator;
    echo '<br>Field Sep:\t '.$fieldSeperator;
    echo '<br>Columns: ';print_r($columns);
    echo '<br>========Details========<br>';
    $ext = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    $table = str_replace(' ', '_', basename($file, "." . $ext));
    $rslt = table_insert($table, $columns);
        $query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '".$file."' INTO TABLE $table FIELDS TERMINATED BY '$fieldSeperator' ";

        var_dump(addToDb($query, false));

function addToDb($query, $getRec = true){
//echo '<br>Query : '.$query;
$con = @mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
@mysql_select_db('rtest', $con);
$result = mysql_query($query, $con);
         $data = array();
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { 
            $data[] = $row;
        return $data;
    }else return true;
    return false;

function table_insert($table_name, $table_columns) {
    $queryString = "CREATE TABLE " . $table_name . " (";
    $columns = '';
    $values = '';

    foreach ($table_columns as $column) {
        $values .= (strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $column))) . " VARCHAR(2048), ";
    $values = substr($values, 0, strlen($values) - 2);

    $queryString .= $values . ") ";

    //// echo $queryString;

    return addToDb($queryString, false);

function getColumns($file){
    $cols = array();
    if (($handle = fopen($file, 'r')) !== FALSE)
        while (($row = fgetcsv($handle)) !== FALSE) 
           $cols = $row;
        return $cols;
    }else return false;

function analyse_file($file, $capture_limit_in_kb = 10) {
// capture starting memory usage
$output['peak_mem']['start']    = memory_get_peak_usage(true);

// log the limit how much of the file was sampled (in Kb)
$output['read_kb']                 = $capture_limit_in_kb;

// read in file
$fh = fopen($file, 'r');
    $contents = fread($fh, ($capture_limit_in_kb * 1024)); // in KB

// specify allowed field delimiters
$delimiters = array(
    'comma'     => ',',
    'semicolon' => ';',
    'tab'         => "\t",
    'pipe'         => '|',
    'colon'     => ':'

// specify allowed line endings
$line_endings = array(
    'rn'         => "\r\n",
    'n'         => "\n",
    'r'         => "\r",
    'nr'         => "\n\r"

// loop and count each line ending instance
foreach ($line_endings as $key => $value) {
    $line_result[$key] = substr_count($contents, $value);

// sort by largest array value

// log to output array
$output['line_ending']['results']     = $line_result;
$output['line_ending']['count']     = end($line_result);
$output['line_ending']['key']         = key($line_result);
$output['line_ending']['value']     = $line_endings[$output['line_ending']['key']];
$lines = explode($output['line_ending']['value'], $contents);

// remove last line of array, as this maybe incomplete?

// create a string from the legal lines
$complete_lines = implode(' ', $lines);

// log statistics to output array
$output['lines']['count']     = count($lines);
$output['lines']['length']     = strlen($complete_lines);

// loop and count each delimiter instance
foreach ($delimiters as $delimiter_key => $delimiter) {
    $delimiter_result[$delimiter_key] = substr_count($complete_lines, $delimiter);

// sort by largest array value

// log statistics to output array with largest counts as the value
$output['delimiter']['results']     = $delimiter_result;
$output['delimiter']['count']         = end($delimiter_result);
$output['delimiter']['key']         = key($delimiter_result);
$output['delimiter']['value']         = $delimiters[$output['delimiter']['key']];

// capture ending memory usage
$output['peak_mem']['end'] = memory_get_peak_usage(true);
return $output;
like image 112
Raza Ahmed Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Raza Ahmed

An excellent method to deal with large files is located at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5249971/797620

This method is used at http://www.cuddlycactus.com/knownpasswords/ (page has been taken down) to search through 170+ million passwords in just a few milliseconds.

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Abela Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 19:10


Normally, "Service Unavailable" error will come when 500 error occurs. I think this is coming because of insufficient execution time. Please check your log/browser console, may be you can see 500 error.

First of all, Keep set_time_limit(60) out of loop.

Do some changes like,

  1. Apply INDEX on user_email_id column, so you can get the rows faster with your select query.
  2. Do not echo message, Keep the output buffer free.


I have done these kind of take using Open source program. You can get it here http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/

Try this.

like image 23
Hearaman Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
