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Codeigniter & PHP check if session exist

How can i simply check if cookies are enabled and user session too in PHP?

I need the really lighter piece of code of this world to do that, can anyone show me somenthing?

I'm on Codeigniter but i'm planning to use native PHP for this control.

my code:

if(session_start()){ echo 'started'; }

as i know Codeigniter doesn't uses native PHP session, how to do so?

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itsme Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 08:10


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2 Answers

Check for a valid session id:

$sid = session_id();

For example:

$sid = session_id();
if($sid) {
    echo "Session exists!";
} else {
like image 152
Brendan Bullen Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 10:09

Brendan Bullen

The first point is "Don't fight the framework" when your framework has some functions than use it. Normally in the Framework classes are functions to prevent injections.

Here is a Post when tells you how to check the cookie:

Check if cookies are enabled

And for the session

How to tell if a session is active?

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René Höhle Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 10:09

René Höhle