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Read a file by bytes in BASH



I need to read first byte of file I specified, then second byte,third and so on. How could I do it on BASH? P.S I need to get HEX of this bytes

like image 347
michaeluskov Avatar asked Dec 15 '12 05:12


People also ask

How do I check a bytes file?

Using the ls Command–l – displays a list of files and directories in long format and shows the sizes in bytes.

How do I see file size in bash?

Another method we can use to grab the size of a file in a bash script is the wc command. The wc command returns the number of words, size, and the size of a file in bytes.

How do I display bytes in Linux?

The Linux command wc followed by the -c flag (wc -c) can be used to count file bytes.

2 Answers

Full rewrite: september 2019!

A lot shorter and simplier than previous versions! (Something faster, but not so much)

Yes , bash can read and write binary:


LANG=C IFS= read -r -d '' -n 1 foo

will populate $foo with 1 binary byte. Unfortunately, as bash strings cannot hold null bytes ($\0), reading one byte once is required.

But for the value of byte read, I've missed this in man bash (have a look at 2016 post, at bottom of this):

 printf [-v var] format [arguments]
     Arguments to non-string format specifiers are treated as C constants,
     except that ..., and if  the leading character is a  single or double
     quote, the value is the ASCII value of the following character.


read8() {
    local _r8_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r8_car LANG=C IFS=
    read -r -d '' -n 1 _r8_car
    printf -v $_r8_var %d "'"$_r8_car

Will populate submitted variable name (default to $OUTBIN) with decimal ascii value of first byte from STDIN

read16() {
    local _r16_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r16_lb _r16_hb
    read8 _r16_lb &&
    read8 _r16_hb
    printf -v $_r16_var %d $(( _r16_hb<<8 | _r16_lb ))

Will populate submitted variable name (default to $OUTBIN) with decimal value of first 16 bits word from STDIN...

Of course, for switching Endianness, you have to switch:

    read8 _r16_hb &&
    read8 _r16_lb

And so on:

# Usage:
#       read[8|16|32|64] [varname] < binaryStdInput

read8() {  local _r8_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r8_car LANG=C IFS=
    read -r -d '' -n 1 _r8_car
    printf -v $_r8_var %d "'"$_r8_car ;}
read16() { local _r16_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r16_lb _r16_hb
    read8  _r16_lb && read8  _r16_hb
    printf -v $_r16_var %d $(( _r16_hb<<8 | _r16_lb )) ;}
read32() { local _r32_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r32_lw _r32_hw
    read16 _r32_lw && read16 _r32_hw
    printf -v $_r32_var %d $(( _r32_hw<<16| _r32_lw )) ;}
read64() { local _r64_var=${1:-OUTBIN} _r64_ll _r64_hl
    read32 _r64_ll && read32 _r64_hl
    printf -v $_r64_var %d $(( _r64_hl<<32| _r64_ll )) ;}

So you could source this, then if your /dev/sda is gpt partitioned,

read totsize < <(blockdev --getsz /dev/sda)
read64 gptbackup < <(dd if=/dev/sda bs=8 skip=68 count=1 2>/dev/null)
echo $((totsize-gptbackup))

Answer could be 1 (1st GPT is at sector 1, one sector is 512 bytes. GPT Backup location is at byte 32. With bs=8 512 -> 64 + 32 -> 4 = 544 -> 68 blocks to skip... See GUID Partition Table at Wikipedia).

Quick small write function...

write () { 
    local i=$((${2:-64}/8)) o= v r
    for ((;i--;)) {
        printf -vv '\%03o' $(( ($1>>8*(0${3+-1}?i:r-i))&255 ))
    printf "$o"

This function default to 64 bits, little endian.

Usage: write <integer> [bits:64|32|16|8] [switchto big endian]
  • With two parameter, second parameter must be one of 8, 16, 32 or 64, to be bit length of generated output.
  • With any dummy 3th parameter, (even empty string), function will switch to big endian.


read64 foo < <(write -12345);echo $foo


First post 2015...

Upgrade for adding specific bash version (with bashisms)

With new version of printf built-in, you could do a lot without having to fork ($(...)) making so your script a lot faster.

First let see (by using seq and sed) how to parse hd output:

echo ;sed <(seq -f %02g 0 $(( COLUMNS-1 )) ) -ne '
    ${x;s/\n//g;p}';hd < <(echo Hello good world!)
0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7
00000000  48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 67 6f  6f 64 20 77 6f 72 6c 64  |Hello good world|
00000010  21 0a                                             |!.|

Were hexadecimal part begin at col 10 and end at col 56, spaced by 3 chars and having one extra space at col 34.

So parsing this could by done by:

while read line ;do
    for x in ${line:10:48};do
        printf -v x \\%o 0x$x
        printf $x
  done < <( ls -l --color | hd )

Old original post

Edit 2 for Hexadecimal, you could use hd

echo Hello world | hd
00000000  48 65 6c 6c 6f 20 77 6f  72 6c 64 0a              |Hello world.|

or od

echo Hello world | od -t x1 -t c
0000000  48  65  6c  6c  6f  20  77  6f  72  6c  64  0a
          H   e   l   l   o       w   o   r   l   d  \n


while IFS= read -r -n1 car;do [ "$car" ] && echo -n "$car" || echo ; done

try them:

while IFS= read -rn1 c;do [ "$c" ]&&echo -n "$c"||echo;done < <(ls -l --color)


while IFS= read -rn1 car  # unset InputFieldSeparator so read every chars
    do [ "$car" ] &&      # Test if there is ``something''?
        echo -n "$car" || # then echo them
        echo              # Else, there is an end-of-line, so print one

Edit; Question was edited: need hex values!?

od -An -t x1 | while read line;do for char in $line;do echo $char;done ;done


od -An -t x1 < <(ls -l --color ) |        # Translate binary to 1 byte hex 
    while read line;do                    # Read line of HEX pairs
        for char in $line;do              # For each pair
            printf "\x$char"              # Print translate HEX to binary

Demo 2: We have both hex and binary

od -An -t x1 < <(ls -l --color ) |        # Translate binary to 1 byte hex 
    while read line;do                    # Read line of HEX pairs
        for char in $line;do              # For each pair
            bin="$(printf "\x$char")"     # translate HEX to binary
            dec=$(printf "%d" 0x$char)    # translate to decimal
            [ $dec -lt 32  ] ||           # if caracter not printable
            ( [ $dec -gt 128 ] &&         # change bin to a single dot.
              [ $dec -lt 160 ] ) && bin="."
            echo -n $char \               # Print HEX value and a space
            ((i++))                       # count printed values
            if [ $i -gt 15 ] ;then
                echo "  -  $str"

New post on september 2016:

This could be usefull on very specific cases, ( I've used them to manualy copy GPT partitions between two disk, at low level, without having /usr mounted...)

Yes, bash could read binary!

... but only one byte, by one... (because `char(0)' couldn't be correctly read, the only way of reading them correctly is to consider end-of-file, where if no caracter is read and end of file not reached, then character read is a char(0)).

This is more a proof of concept than a relly usefull tool: there is a pure bash version of hd (hexdump).

This use recent bashisms, under bash v4.3 or higher.


printf -v ascii \\%o {32..126}
printf -v ascii "$ascii"

printf -v cntrl %-20sE abtnvfr

printf -v fmt8 %8s
fmt8=${fmt8// / %02x}

while LANG=C IFS= read -r -d '' -n 1 char ;do
    if [ "$char" ] ;then
        printf -v char "%q" "$char"
        ((${#char}==1)) && todisplay+=$char || todisplay+=.
        case ${#char} in
         1|2 ) char=${ascii%$char*};values+=($((${#char}+32)));;
           7 ) char=${char#*\'\\};values+=($((8#${char%\'})));;
           5 ) char=${char#*\'\\};char=${cntrl%${char%\'}*};
           * ) echo >&2 ERROR: $char;;

    if [ ${#values[@]} -gt 15 ] ;then
        printf "%08x $fmt8 $fmt8  |%s|\n" $address ${values[@]} "$todisplay"
        values=() todisplay=

if [ "$values" ] ;then
        ((${#values[@]}>8))&&fmt="$fmt8 ${fmt8:0:(${#values[@]}%8)*5}"||
        printf "%08x $fmt%$((
            ))s |%s|\n" $address ${values[@]} ''""'' "$todisplay"
printf "%08x (%d chars read.)\n" $((address+${#values[@]})){,}

You could try/use this, but don't try to compare performances!

time hd < <(seq 1 10000|gzip)|wc
   1415   25480  111711
real    0m0.020s
user    0m0.008s
sys     0m0.000s

time ./hex.sh < <(seq 1 10000|gzip)|wc
   1415   25452  111669
real    0m2.636s
user    0m2.496s
sys     0m0.048s

same job: 20ms for hd vs 2000ms for my bash script.

... but if you wanna read 4 bytes in a file header or even a sector address in an hard drive, this could do the job...

like image 112
F. Hauri Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

F. Hauri

Did you try xxd? It gives hex dump directly, as you want..

For your case, the command would be:

xxd -c 1 /path/to/input_file | while read offset hex char; do
  #Do something with $hex

Note: extract the char from hex, rather than while read line. This is required because read will not capture white space properly.

like image 10
anishsane Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10
