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Reactjs - Setting State from props using setState in child component

I'm having the following class that renders users based on a sort dropdown. Users will be listed in alphabetical order if i choose "alphabetical" and in group order when i choose "group".

        const {members, sort} = this.state
        { sort === "alphabetical" && <SortByAlphabet members={members} /> }
        { sort === "group" && <SortByGroup members={members}/> }

In <SortByAlphabet /> component I am setting a component state object from props.members in componentWillReceiveProps() function.

componentWillReceiveProps = props => {
    this.setState({ members : props.members });

When I choose "group" sort, <SortByAlphabet /> component is unmounting and <SortByGroup /> is mounting in the DOM. Again when i switch back to "alphabetical" sort, the state variable (members) that was set previosly in <SortByAlphabet /> component becomes NULL because the component was removed from the DOM.

componentWillReceiveProps function is not triggering the second time when re-rendering <SortByAlphabet /> b'coz the props didn't change. But i want to update the state variable like i did it for the first time in componentWillReceiveProps function.

How to do that?

like image 876
Prem Avatar asked May 04 '17 09:05


1 Answers

componentWillMount is called only once in the component lifecycle, immediately before the component is rendered. It is usually used to perform any state changes needed before the initial render, because calling this.setState in this method will not trigger an additional render So you can update your staate using

componentWillMount ()

        this.setState({ members : props.members });

like image 58
Vikram Saini Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10

Vikram Saini