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Initialize a variable object in Angular2 / Javascript

I'm coming from Angular 1 where I'd just do this:

var options = {};
options.location = "test";
options.time = "today";

I just want to do the same thing with Angular 2 to sorta "group" my variables by adding them to objects and using interpolation to reference them in the HTML

<input [(ngModel)]="options.location" />

Now I already figured I could do this:

export class Options {
  location: string;

options: Options = {
  location: 'test'

My question: Is there a simpler way like

options: {location: string};


like image 367
Yorick Tran Avatar asked Feb 19 '17 16:02

Yorick Tran

People also ask

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4 Answers

Typescript can be considered as extended JavaScript. Any valid JavaScript code is valid Typescript code.

The code you wrote in your question :

var options = {};
options.location = "test";
options.time = "today";

...is perfectly legal (but not optimal).

The thing is that simply declaring options the way you do in the component won't make it visible from the template. options must be a public member of the Component class. Your Component class should look like

  template: `
<input [(ngModel)]="options.location" />
export class FormsPage {
  options = {location :"test", time : "today" }

Note that if I were you, I would read Typescript documentation (and even JavaScript one) in addition to Angular2's one. It would help you to better understand how handle it.

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C.Champagne Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09


Found it myself -

this.options = {location: "test"};

instead of

this.options.location = "test"

Not sure why the second version does not work. If you have insight please share in the comments!

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Yorick Tran Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09

Yorick Tran

You can do it this way:

options: Options = {
  location: 'test'
} as Options;
like image 22
Gustavo Cantero Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09

Gustavo Cantero

To initialize a ngModel value in angular , Create a class Options like this:


export class Options {
  location: string;
  time: string;
  constructor(location: string, time: string) {



export class Options {
  location: string;
  time: string;
  constructor(location: string, time: string) {
    this.location = location;
    this.time = time;


<input type="text" name="location" [(ngModel)]="options.location" #location="ngModel" required/>

<input type="text" name="time" [(ngModel)]="options.time" #time="ngModel" required/>

And in your component initialize options like this:

options = new Options('','');

NOTE: if you create Options class like this:

   export class Options {
      constructor(location: string, time: string) {


It will work with ng serve but NOT with ng build --prod as AOT(Ahead-of-Time) compilation gives error:

ERROR in ng:/xxxx/x.component.html (67,74): Property 'location' does not exist on type 'Options'.
ERROR in ng:/xxxx/x.component.html (72,72): Property 'time' does not exist on type 'Options'.

If you initialize options in component in this way


will also gives same error.

like image 34
Ajit Soman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Ajit Soman