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React testing library - check the existence of empty div

I'm testing a component where if ItemLength = 1, render returns null.

const { container, debug } = render(<MyComp ItemLength={1} />);

When I call debug() in my test, it shows a <div />. How do I check that the component is returning an empty div in my test?

like image 935
blankface Avatar asked May 23 '19 02:05


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2 Answers

You can use jest-dom's toBeEmpty:

const { container } = render(<MyComp ItemLength={1} />) expect(container.firstChild).toBeEmpty() 
like image 195
Giorgio Polvara - Gpx Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10

Giorgio Polvara - Gpx

The following should work as well without extending jest's expect:

const { container } = render(<MyComp ItemLength={1} />) expect(container.firstChild).toBeNull(); 

Update: the new way in 2020

import { screen } from '@testing-library/react';  ...  render(<MyComp ItemLength={1} />);  const child = screen.queryByTestId('data-testid-attribute-value');  expect(child).not.toBeInTheDocument(); 
like image 32
Karolis Grinkevičius Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 11:10

Karolis Grinkevičius