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React: setting the disabled attribute based on a state

I'd like to set the disabled attribute on a Button based on component's state, something like this:

render() {   return (     <button type="button" {this.state.submitting ? 'disabled' : ''}        onClick={ this.handleSubmit }>Submit</button>     ); } 

At the moment I get an Unexpected token error on the opening {, what am I missing?

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jolyonruss Avatar asked Nov 12 '15 14:11


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2 Answers

You can set disabled property through boolean value, like this

<button   type="button"   disabled={this.state.submitting}   onClick={this.handleSubmit} >   Submit </button> 


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Oleksandr T. Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 11:10

Oleksandr T.

You could use null

<button type='button' disabled={this.state.submitting ? 'disabled' : null} onClick={this.handleSubmit}>Submit</button> 
like image 24
Ol' Dawg Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

Ol' Dawg