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React — Passing props with styled-components

I just read in the styled-components documentation that the following is wrong and it will affect render times. If that is the case, how can I refactor the code and use the required props to create a dynamic style?

Thank you in advance.

Tab component

import React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components'  const Tab = ({ onClick, isSelected, children }) => {     const TabWrapper = styled.li`     display: flex;     align-items: center;     justify-content: center;     padding: 100px;     margin: 1px;     font-size: 3em;     color: ${props => (isSelected ? `white` : `black`)};     background-color: ${props => (isSelected ? `black` : `#C4C4C4`)};     cursor: ${props => (isSelected ? 'default' : `pointer`)}; `      return <TabWrapper onClick={onClick}>{children}</TabWrapper> }   export default Tab 
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Diego Oriani Avatar asked Sep 13 '18 20:09

Diego Oriani

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1 Answers

I believe what the documentation is saying is that you should avoid including your styles inside of the rendering component:


const StyledWrapper = styled.div`   /* ... */ `  const Wrapper = ({ message }) => {   return <StyledWrapper>{message}</StyledWrapper> } 


const Wrapper = ({ message }) => {   // WARNING: THIS IS VERY VERY BAD AND SLOW, DO NOT DO THIS!!!   const StyledWrapper = styled.div`     /* ... */   `    return <StyledWrapper>{message}</StyledWrapper> } 

Because what happens is when the component's Props changes, then the component will re-render and the style will regenerate. Therefore it makes sense to keep it separate.

So if you read further on to the Adapting based on props section, they explain this:

const Button = styled.button`   /* Adapt the colours based on primary prop */   background: ${props => props.primary ? "palevioletred" : "white"};   color: ${props => props.primary ? "white" : "palevioletred"};    font-size: 1em;   margin: 1em;   padding: 0.25em 1em;   border: 2px solid palevioletred;   border-radius: 3px; `;  // class X extends React.Component { //  ...  render(   <div>     <Button>Normal</Button>     <Button primary>Primary</Button>   </div> );  // } 

this works because when you use the Button component in class X, it will know the props of class X without you having to tell it anything.

For your scenario, I imagine the solution would be simply:

const TabWrapper = styled.li`   display: flex;   align-items: center;   justify-content: center;   padding: 100px;   margin: 1px;   font-size: 3em;   color: ${props => (props.isSelected ? `white` : `black`)};   background-color: ${props => (props.isSelected ? `black` : `#C4C4C4`)};   cursor: ${props => (props.isSelected ? 'default' : `pointer`)}; `;  const Tab = ({ onClick, isSelected, children }) => {   return <TabWrapper onClick={onClick}>{children}</TabWrapper> }  const X = <Tab onClick={() => console.log('clicked')} isSelected>Some Children</Tab> 

I haven't tested this at all, so please feel free to try it out and let me know if it works for you or whatever worked for you!

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dropbeardan Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 21:10
