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React Native with redux: what is a good way to store-manage dynamic styles?



I am creating an app with some style differences in portrait-landscape rendering. For example the navigation bar height can be different and there are several sizes that I want to keep under strict control to make sure certain control/text fit to screen without scrolling.

I am fine with calculating stylesheets dynamically or caching them with either own utilities or utilities like react-native-extended-stylesheet yet.. where to store the calculated sheets for portrait landscape?

Possible options 1. A module level variable in my style.js. Possibly calculated on demand and cached later. I'd need to pass screen size to it though 2. Make styles a part of a state and update it on orientation changes action 3. Anything else

What makes most sense? What do you use in your applications?

like image 757
Artem Avatar asked May 23 '16 23:05


1 Answers

I think a stylesheet library should take care about caching styles for landscape/portrait layouts and developer should just write styles and component logic.
I'm working on it currently here: https://github.com/vitalets/react-native-extended-stylesheet/issues/9
Until it is ready I think the best option is to cache on module level.

const styleLandscape = ...
const stylePorttrait = ...

Putting styles into component state will mix it with logic data that seems not good.

like image 159
vitalets Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 18:11
