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Facebook audience bidding is not working: bundle status is invalid

I have a react native application on IOS, and I implemented Facebook Audience Network Bidding with Admob.

Everything looks fine; bidding requests are being sent from Admob to Facebook. But Facebook is barely responding to bid requests.

enter image description here

When I use the debugger, there is an error called "Bundle status is invalid" with zero documentation on the internet.

enter image description here

I can see test ads without any problems. I used the Ad Inspector to validate everything, and it looks fine. But production users are not able to see any Facebook ads.

SDK versions:

  • FBAudienceNetwork 6.2.1
  • Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK 7.69.0
  • GoogleMobileAdsMediationFacebook
  • GoogleMobileAdsMediationTestSuite 1.4.0

Is there any knowledge about this problem and what is "Bundle status is invalid"?

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Ahmet Can Güven Avatar asked Aug 08 '21 13:08

Ahmet Can Güven

People also ask

Can I use Facebook audience network without bidding?

Audience Network is now only using bidding to fill ads in iOS and Android apps.

What is bidding in Facebook Audience Network?

421 views. Audience Network is now only using bidding to fill ads in iOS apps, and will only use bidding for Android apps starting on 30 September 2021. You'll need to move your apps from waterfall to bidding to monetise with Audience Network.

Video Answer

1 Answers

After trying lots of solutions, I think I found out the reason.

The problem was missing tax information.

Step by step solution

  1. Go to monetization manager
  2. Click payouts
  3. Select your payment account
  4. Click edit account
  5. It should navigate you to the organization management page.
  6. Click to payout settings
  7. Now, you will see the missing tax information and an update button.
  8. Download your appropriate tax form from here
  9. Complete the form, print it, sign it then scan it.
  10. Upload the completed form using the update button.
  11. After few hours, it should work and you can see the "Bundle status is invalid" is gone from the debugger.

enter image description here

If this solution works for you, please add a comment. So I can be sure about giving the correct solution, I will mark it as an answer.

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Ahmet Can Güven Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Ahmet Can Güven