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React Native ScrollView/FlatList not scrolling

I have a list of data that I want to place inside a FlatList (i.e. ScrollView) and whenever I try to scroll down to view more of the list, the ScrollView just bounces back up to the top of the list so I cannot ever see the bottom of the list.

I am using Expo and the strange thing is that if I just create a new project or copy/paste some code into Snack then the scrolling works just fine. It is only in my current project that I cannot get the list to scroll. I have even gone into the main.js file and just pasted my example code in there and the issue still persists.

My example code is located here: https://snack.expo.io/ryDPtO5-b I have pasted this exact code into my project and it is not working as expected.

Versions: RN 0.44 / Expo SDK 17.0.0 / React: 16.0.0-alpha.6

My actual use case for my project involves placing a FlatList component at the bottom-third of the screen to show a list of jobs. This is where I discovered the error and when I started to try and debug the issue. In my project I have a parent View with a style of {flex: 1 with a child of List that contains the FlatList... List comes from react-native-elements


Here is the code I am actually trying to use:

 <View style={styles.container}>
<View style={containerStyles.headerContainerStyle}>
    <Text style={[textStyles.h2, { textAlign: "center" }]}>
        Territory: {this.props.currentTerritory}
<View style={styles.mapContainer}>
        style={{ flex: 1 }}
<Badge containerStyle={styles.badgeStyle}>
    <Text>Orders Remaining: {this.props.jobsList.length}</Text>
<List containerStyle={{ flex: 1 }}>
        keyExtractor={item => item.id}

And all my styles

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
container: {
    flex: 1,
mapContainer: {
    height: 300,
badgeStyle: {
    backgroundColor: 'green',
    alignSelf: 'center',
    marginTop: 15,
    width: 300,
    height: 35,

and lastly, my renderItem function:

 renderJobs = ({ item }) => {
const { fullAddress, pickupTime } = item;

return (
            item.status === "active" && { backgroundColor: "#7fbf7f" }
        titleStyle={{ fontSize: 14 }}
        subtitleStyle={{ fontSize: 12, color: "black" }}
        onPress={() =>
            this.props.navigation.navigate("jobActions", { job: item })
like image 278
cruz02148 Avatar asked May 30 '17 05:05


2 Answers

I was able to solve this problem.

The Solution is to use flatlist component <View style={{flex:1}}> after renderRow return component <View style={{flex:1}}>

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mbilalbark Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11


I am confused - are you using a FlatList or a ScrollView - these two elements have completely different lifecycle events (a FlatList requires you to define how individual rows will render and their keys, whereas a ScrollView expects the children to be rendered inline with the component).

Regardless, I think the issue is in your structure, it sounds like the List element requires a height attribute as well ({flex: 1}) as the absolute parent is filling it's space, but the List component is not having a pre-defined height.

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Andrew Breen Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 05:11

Andrew Breen