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Expected to return a value at the end of this function array-callback-return in React JS



render() {

        const rowLeft = [];
        const rowRight = [];
        let a = this.props.ntn;

       Object.keys(this.props.ntn).map((keyName, keyIndex) =>{

        if (keyName === "_id" || keyName === "name" || keyName === "description" || keyName === "instant" || keyName === "active") {
                  if (keyName === "beacon" || keyName === "group") {

            return rowLeft.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].name.toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

        else if (a[keyName].offers) {

            return rowLeft.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].offers.toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

          else {

            return rowLeft.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

       Object.keys(this.props.ntn).map((keyName, keyIndex) =>{

        if (keyName === "levelType" || keyName === "triggeringEvents" || keyName === "type" || keyName === "beacon" || keyName === "inbox") {
                  if (keyName === "beacon" || keyName === "group") {

            return rowRight.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].name.toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

        else if (a[keyName].offers) {

            return rowRight.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].offers.toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

          else {

            return rowRight.push(<InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={a[keyName].toString()} key={keyIndex}/>)

        return (

i did something like this actually I'm fetching values and showing all the details on the page what the thing is now I'm getting this warning "Expected to return a value at the end of this function array-callback-return in React JS" Any solution? How to deal with it?

like image 846
Piyush Avatar asked Apr 28 '17 17:04


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1 Answers

TLDR: The simplest fix is to use Object.keys(this.props.ntn).forEach instead of .map and make all return rowLeft.push just rowLeft.push.

Long answer:

The ESLint array-callback-return warning makes sure that you always return a value from methods like map, filter and reduce. You are not returning a value in you first if which has the following form:

if condition1 {
   if condition2 {
   // here you are missing a return
else if ...

However, you are not using map correctly. You should be using forEach.

Of course, your code can be rewritten using map, consider:

const {ntn} = this.props;

const rowLeft = Object.keys(ntn).map((keyName, keyIndex) => {
   const value = ntn[keyName];
   let notificationValue;   

   if (['_id', 'name', 'description', 'instant', 'active', 'beacon', 'group'].includes(keyName) {
       notificationValue = value.name.toString();
   } else if (value.offers) {
       notificationValue = value.offers.toString();
   } else {
       notificationValue = value.toString();

   return (
      <InfoRow notification={keyName} notificationValue={notificationValue} key={keyIndex}/>

Also note that in your example the first condition is never executed because it would require keyName to have two values at once. I have replaced it with one condition which I guess is what you want.

like image 154
Sulthan Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 09:10
