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react-native link only for one project (Android or iOS)

I want to link only one of my project (Android or iOS) with the npm package. Is there any way to do it?

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Aaditya Paliwal Avatar asked Aug 02 '18 05:08

Aaditya Paliwal

People also ask

Can we combine native iOS or Android code in react-native?

Yes, we can. React Native smoothly combines the components written in Objective-C, Java, or Swift.

What is deep linking in react-native?

Deep Linking is a technique in which a given URL or resource is used to open a specific page or screen on mobile. So, instead of just launching the app on mobile, a deep link can lead a user to a specific screen within the app, providing a better user experience.

2 Answers

You can choose to link libraries for only a certain platform by doing:

For Android: react-native link (your_library_name_here) --platforms android

For iOS: react-native link (your_library_name_here) --platforms ios

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Ennis Machta Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 18:09

Ennis Machta

if react-native < 60

  1. rename platforms ( iOS or Android) that you don't want to link.
  2. run react-native link your-library-js-package-name.
  3. rename platforms to the original name.


react-native >= 60

because the new react-native versions have some auto-linking feature you should tell the react-native CLI to do not link your library:

  1. create a react-native.config.js file in the root of your project.
  2. add some config like this

    module.exports = {
      dependencies: {
        'your-library-js-package-name': {
             platforms: {
               android: null, // assign null to disable autolinking
               ios: // assign null to disable autolinking or remove the 
                    ios key to let do the default linking

check this for more info docs

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Ahmad Dehnavi Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 18:09

Ahmad Dehnavi