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react native downloading javascript bundle 100% stuck

when I am trying to execute npm start it works fine, but when i try to run my application by expo the process goes till 100% and after that nothing happens. I am not getting what is exact issue over there. I am having following things in package.json.... please help me to resolve this issue.

{   "name": "ProMeeting",   "version": "0.1.0",   "private": true,   "devDependencies": {     "jest-expo": "~29.0.0",     "react-native-scripts": "^1.14.0",     "react-test-renderer": "16.3.1"   },   "main": "./node_modules/react-native-scripts/build/bin/crna-entry.js",   "scripts": {     "start": "react-native-scripts start",     "eject": "react-native-scripts eject",     "android": "react-native-scripts android",     "ios": "react-native-scripts ios",     "test": "jest"   },   "jest": {     "preset": "jest-expo"   },   "dependencies": {     "@babel/preset-react": "^7.0.0-beta.56",     "expo": "^29.0.0",     "firebase": "^5.3.1",     "native-base": "^2.7.2",     "react": "16.3.1",     "react-native": "^0.55.4",     "react-native-firebase": "^4.3.8",     "react-native-vector-icons": "^5.0.0",     "react-navigation": "^2.11.2"   } } 

Screenshot added for illustration purpose

Downloading Javascript bundle 100%

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Deepak Avatar asked Aug 22 '18 12:08


1 Answers

It seems there are multiple reasons why this could happen. I tried to run other apps on my simulator, restarted my simulator and even tried to delete the build folders and rebuild from scratch, but none of these approaches solved the issue.

What finally worked was restarting the React Native Debugger that I had on in the background the entire time.

You can also check the Network tab of React Native Debugger if you've enabled Offline throttling. Disabling it should also solve the issue in some cases.

like image 185
Chirag Bhatia - chirag64 Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09

Chirag Bhatia - chirag64