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react lifecycle methods understanding

I am a newbie to React.js and I am trying hard to understand several methods in the React lifecycle methods.

So far, I have something that confuses me:


As far as I understand, the difference between componentWillUpdate and componentWillReceiveProps is that componentWillReceiveProps will be called when the parent changes the props and we can use setState (setState of this child inside componentWillReceiveProps).

for example: react-table-sorter-demo

var App = React.createClass({   getInitialState: function() {     return {source: {limit: "200", source: "source1"}};   },   handleSourceChange: function(source) {     this.setState({source: source});   },   render: function() {     return (       <div>         <DataSourceSelectors onSourceChange={this.handleSourceChange} source={this.state.source} />         <TableSorter dataSource={urlForDataSource(this.state.source)} config={CONFIG} headerRepeat="5" />       </div>     );   } }); 

In TableSorter, we have

componentWillReceiveProps: function(nextProps) {     // Load new data when the dataSource property changes.     if (nextProps.dataSource != this.props.dataSource) {       this.loadData(nextProps.dataSource);     }   } 

meaning when we change this.state.source, we will expect componentWillReceiveProps to be called in TableSorter.

However, I don't quite understand how to use componentWillUpdate in this case, the definition of componentWillUpdate is

componentWillUpdate(object nextProps, object nextState) 

How can we pass nextState from parent into child? Or maybe I am wrong, is the nextState passed from the parent element?

2) method componentWillMount confuses me because in the official documentation, it says that

Invoked once, both on the client and server, immediately before the initial rendering occurs.

In this case, if I use setState in this method, it will override the getInitialState since it will be called once only initially. In this case, what is the reason to set the parameters in the getInitialState method. In this particular case, we have:

  getInitialState: function() {     return {       items: this.props.initialItems || [],       sort: this.props.config.sort || { column: "", order: "" },       columns: this.props.config.columns     };   },   componentWillMount: function() {     this.loadData(this.props.dataSource);   },   loadData: function(dataSource) {     if (!dataSource) return;      $.get(dataSource).done(function(data) {       console.log("Received data");      this.setState({items: data});      }.bind(this)).fail(function(error, a, b) {       console.log("Error loading JSON");      });   }, 

items will be overriddene initially and why do we still need items: this.props.initialItems || [] in the getInitialState method?

Hope you can understand my explanation, and please give me some hints if you have any.

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Guifan Li Avatar asked Apr 26 '15 04:04

Guifan Li

People also ask

How do you explain React life cycle?

Lifecycle of Components Each component in React has a lifecycle which you can monitor and manipulate during its three main phases. The three phases are: Mounting, Updating, and Unmounting.

Why do we use React lifecycle methods?

React Lifecycle methods allow us to specify what happens in your Document Object Model (DOM) at predetermined times of the Lifecycle. Remember that the main purpose of React is to modify the DOM (Document Object Model) to match what components you want to render onto the screen.

How many React lifecycle methods are there?

React supports three mounting lifecycle methods for component classes: componentWillMount() , render() , and componentDidMount() .

What is the difference between componentDidUpdate method and componentDidMount method?

componentDidMount() : invoked immediately after a component is mounted (inserted into the DOM tree) componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot) : is invoked immediately after updating occurs. This method is not called for the initial render.

2 Answers

1) componentWillReceiveProps is called before componentWillUpdate in React's update lifecycle. You are right that componentWillReceiveProps allows you to call setState. On the other hand componentWillUpdate is a callback to use when you need to respond to a state change.

The fundamental difference between props and state is that state is private to the component. That's why neither a parent component or anybody else can manipulate the state (e.g. call setState) of the component. So the default workflow for the parent-child component relationship would be the following:

  • Parent passes new props to the child
  • Child handles new props in 'componentWillReceiveProps', calls setState if necessary
  • Child handles new state in 'componentWillUpdate' - but if your component is stateful, handling props in 'componentWillReceiveProps' will be enough.

2) You provided quite a good code example to illustrate the difference. Default values set in getInitialState will be used for initial rendering. The loadData call from componentWillMount will initiate an AJAX request which may or may not succeed - moreover it is unknown how long it will take to complete. By the time the AJAX request completes and setState is called with new state, the component will be rendered in the DOM with default values. That is why it makes total sense to provide default state in getInitialState.

Note: I found Understanding the React Component Lifecycle article a huge help for understanding React's lifecycle methods.

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Yevgen Safronov Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Yevgen Safronov

Four phases of a React component lifecycle





Here's a quick walkthrough of the different methods of the lifeCycle of a component. You must have good understanding of the lifecycle methods to code efficiently in react.

Life Cycle Phase Methods

Methods in Mounting Phase:

This phase begins when an instance of a component is created and when it gets rendered into the DOM.

1.constructor(props) - it is called when the component is first initialized. This method is only called once.
2.componentWillMount() - it is called when a component is about to mount.
3.render() -it is called when a component is rendered.
4.componentDidMount() - it is called when a component has finished mounting.

Methods in Updating Phase:

This phase begins when a component's properties (a.k.a props) or state changes.

1.componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) - it is called when a component has updated and is receiving new props.
2.shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - it is called after receiving props and is about to update. If this method returns false, componentWillUpdate(), render(), and componentDidUpdate() will not execute.
3.componentWillUpdate(nextProps, nextState) - it is called when a component is about to be updated.
4.render() - called when a component is rerendered.
5.componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) - it is called when a component has finished updating.

Methods in Unmounting Phase:

This phase begins when a component is being removed from the DOM.

1.componentWillUnmount() - it is called immediately before a component unmounts.

Ref: https://hackernoon.com/reactjs-component-lifecycle-methods-a-deep-dive-38275d9d13c0

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Aftab22 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10
