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Transition to another route on successful async redux action

I have a pretty simple set of react components:

  • container that hooks into redux and handles the actions, store subscriptions, etc
  • list which displays a list of my items
  • new which is a form to add a new item to the list

I have some react-router routes as follows:

<Route name='products' path='products' handler={ProductsContainer}>   <Route name='productNew' path='new' handler={ProductNew} />   <DefaultRoute handler={ProductsList} /> </Route> 

so that either the list or the form are shown but not both.

What I'd like to do is to have the application re-route back to the list once a new item has been successfully added.

My solution so far is to have a .then() after the async dispatch:

dispatch(actions.addProduct(product)   .then(this.transitionTo('products')) ) 

Is this the correct way to do this or should I fire another action somehow to trigger the route change?

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Clarkie Avatar asked Sep 16 '15 15:09


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1 Answers

If you don't want to use a more complete solution like Redux Router, you can use Redux History Transitions which lets you write code like this:

export function login() {   return {     type: LOGGED_IN,     payload: {       userId: 123     }     meta: {       transition: (state, action) => ({         path: `/logged-in/${action.payload.userId}`,         query: {           some: 'queryParam'         },         state: {           some: 'state'         }       })     }   }; } 

This is similar to what you suggested but a tiny bit more sophisticated. It still uses the same history library under the hood so it's compatible with React Router.

like image 132
Dan Abramov Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 10:10

Dan Abramov