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React Hooks - How to avoid redeclaring functions on every render

On a react class I would write something like this

class Myclass extends React.Component {
  handleUpdate = info => {
    //do the update

  render() {
    return (
        <SomeComponent onUpdate={this.handleUpdate} />

If using a function I could just write the following

function MyFunction() {
  function handleUpdate(info) {
    // do the update
  return (
      <SomeComponent onUpdate={handleUpdate} />

...but with that I'd be redeclaring a function on every render. Is there any sort of trick that would memoize the handler function between renders? Or should I just move the handler out of the render scope? (Moving it out of the render scope requires me that I explicitly pass more parameters since I wont directly have access to the function scope.)

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wkrueger Avatar asked Feb 28 '19 22:02


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But, is there an option to prevent re-rendering with functional components? The answer is yes! Use React. memo() to prevent re-rendering on React function components.

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1. Memoization using useMemo() and UseCallback() Hooks. Memoization enables your code to re-render components only if there's a change in the props. With this technique, developers can avoid unnecessary renderings and reduce the computational load in applications.

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Preventing Re-Renders: The Old Way To prevent the render method from being called, set the return to false, which cancels the render. This method gets called before the component gets rendered. Sometimes you may want to prevent re-render even if a component's state or prop has changed.

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1 Answers

This is exactly the scenario that useCallback is for. The function still gets declared every time with useCallback, but the function returned is memoized so that if it is passed as a property to children, the children will receive a consistent function unless it has to change due to dependencies changing.

Please see my recent related answer here that demonstrates in detail how useCallback works: Trouble with simple example of React Hooks useCallback

Here's another related answer: React Hooks useCallback causes child to re-render

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Ryan Cogswell Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10

Ryan Cogswell