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React JS: Find out if component is inside a context provider



I'm using React's Context API to pass some context to lower level components.

I want to be able to run the component without a context provider (for testing). For this to work, I need to check whether there is a context provider around my component.

Example code:

const Wrapper = () => {

  // in my real app, there are some levels 
  // between the provider and the child component

  return <NameProvider value={name: 'User'}>
    <ChildComponent />

const ChildComponent = () => {
  if (/* what can I put here ? */) {
    // inside Provider
    return <NameConsumer>
      {context => <span>{context.name}</span>}
  } else {
    // no provider available, e.g. in a test file
    return <span>Test Text</span>

This question is not specifically about testing. There could be other situations where a component needs to work both inside and outside a context provider.

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KWeiss Avatar asked Sep 04 '18 13:09


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1 Answers

No official way is provided for checking whether there is <Provider> parent for <Consumer> child.

Generally, there is no difference if <Consumer> is inside or outside <Provider> with undefined value, it will be provided with undefined value in both cases.

It's possible to check current context value using internal _currentValue property, but this may result in false positives for undefined context value:

const ChildComponent = () => {
  if (NameConsumer._currentValue !== undefined) {
    // inside Provider
    return <NameConsumer>
      {context => <span>{context.name}</span>}
  } else {
    // no provider available, e.g. in a test file
    return <span>Test Text</span>

Notice that this may not work as expected in asynchronous rendering, and relying on internals isn't recommended. A better way would be to check for test environment instead.

A more testable way is to use NameContext.Consumer consistently instead of NameConsumer, so Consumer property could be mocked in tests. Otherwise this may require to mock a module where NameConsumer is defined.

like image 98
Estus Flask Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Estus Flask