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React hook form: How to can I use onChange on React Hook Form Version 7.0

Previously I used to write like this:

<input className="form-control" name="productImage" type='file' onChange={handleImageUpload} ref={register({ required: true })} />

After the update I have to write like this:

<input className="form-control" type="file" {...register('productImage', { required: true })} />

How do I use onChange={handleImageUpload} on the updated version of React Hook Form? Here is the migration docs

Please pardon my mistakes in the manner of asking the question. I'm new to these things. Thank you.

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Mehnaz Khan Avatar asked Apr 03 '21 21:04

Mehnaz Khan

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1 Answers

You just have to move the onChange props after {...register(...)}

const productImageField = register("productImage", { required: true });

return (
        onChange={(e) => {

(Dec 3 2021) edit: this approach is no longer correct since react-hook-form v7.16.0's changes, see @Bill's answer.

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Joris Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 15:09
