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Why isn't everything assignable in JavaScript? [duplicate]



I was raised with the "everything in JavaScript object oriented and assignable" paradigm. So I lived my live happy, until...

var x = {};

x.field = true;
x.field.netType = "System.Boolean";


It compiles, but the alert keeps giving met 'undefined'. Why!?

like image 517
Kees C. Bakker Avatar asked Sep 17 '15 12:09

Kees C. Bakker

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1 Answers

Primitives (strings, numbers, true and false) in JavaScript are not objects. However, when they are used with . or [] as if they were objects, the language obliges by implicitly constructing object wrappers for them.

In your example, that's what happened. The assignment to the object property did actually work, so there was no error, but that wrapper object was then immediately thrown away.

On the other hand:

var x = {};

x.field = new Boolean(true);
x.field.netType = "System.Boolean";


(I wouldn't advise actually doing that; using objects made from the primitive wrapper types tends to have weird effects as those values propagate into code that doesn't expect them.)

like image 52
Pointy Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
