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React Bootstrap: Vertical alignment of row's columns?

I am using react bootstrap, I am trying to align items vertically within a row but with no luck. My problem is I have a button in one of the columns, so for the other columns all the texts are shifted up a bit while the button and its content have a larger height. My question is how can I make all columns within a row to have the same height and to all align in the middle vertically? The only solution I managed to find so far is using CSS: tranform: translateY(-50%) this does the trick, but I was looking for a better more dynamic solution as this needs to be applied for every column excepts for the button column

EDIT: When I say columns and rows, I'm talkign about bootstrap's Col and Row, not actually a table or rows and columns; sorry for the misunderstanding

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user3570947 Avatar asked Sep 24 '18 16:09


People also ask

How do I vertically align a column in bootstrap?

In Bootstrap 5, if we want to vertically align an <div> element in the middle of a containing element, we can do this by applying the class align-items-center and d-flex on the containing element of that div. Here, the d-flex class has the same effect as that of the display: flex; property in CSS.

How Align Div vertically bootstrap?

Answer: Use the align-items-center Class In Bootstrap 4, if you want to vertically align a <div> element in the center or middle, you can simply apply the class align-items-center on the containing element.

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To center a component horizontally and vertically in React. js, set its display property to flex and its alignItems and justifyContent properties to center . The components's content will be horizontally and vertically centered. Copied!

How do you horizontally and vertically center a div in bootstrap 5?

Aligning content to the center of the DIV is very simple in Bootstrap 5, You just have to convert the div into a flex box using d-flex class property and then use the property align-items-center to vertically align the content in the middle of the div.

1 Answers

You can apply any of Bootstrap's classes to a React Bootstrap component. So, per the Grid System docs, the following columns will both be centered vertically:

<Row className="align-items-center">
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kburgie Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09
