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React Apollo Error: No more mocked responses for the query: mutation

Intended outcome:

MockedProvider should mock my createPost mutation.

Actual outcome:

Error: No more mocked responses for the query: mutation...

How to reproduce the issue:

I have a very simple repository. I also created a separate branch with example commit which is breaking the apollo mock provider.

1) Mutation definition is here: https://github.com/developer239/react-apollo-graphql/blob/create-post-integration-tests/src/modules/blog/gql.js#L23

export const CREATE_POST = gql`
  mutation createPost($title: String!, $text: String!) {
    createPost(title: $title, text: $text) {

2) The fake request is here: https://github.com/developer239/react-apollo-graphql/blob/create-post-integration-tests/test/utils/gql-posts.js#L68

export const fakeCreatePostSuccess = {
  request: {
    query: CREATE_POST,
    variables: {
      title: 'Mock Title',
      text: 'Mock lorem ipsum text. And another paragraph.',
  result: {
    data: {
      createPost: {
        id: '1',
        title: 'Mock Title',
        text: 'Mock lorem ipsum text. And another paragraph.',

3) The component that I am testing lives here: https://github.com/developer239/react-apollo-graphql/blob/create-post-integration-tests/src/pages/Blog/PostCreate/index.js#L24

      onCompleted={({ createPost: { id } }) => push(`/posts/${id}`)}
      {mutate => (
          <H2>Create New Post</H2>
          <PostForm submit={values => mutate({ variables: values })} />

4) The failing test case lives here: https://github.com/developer239/react-apollo-graphql/blob/create-post-integration-tests/src/pages/Blog/PostCreate/index.test.js#L33

  describe('on form submit', () => {
    it('should handle success', async () => {
      const renderer = renderApp(<App />, ROUTE_PATHS.createPost, [
      const { formSubmitButton } = fillCreatePostForm(renderer)
      await waitForElement(() => renderer.getByTestId(POST_DETAIL_TEST_ID))

It seems that I followed all steps from the official documentation but I still can't make this work. Do you have any suggestions? 🙂

like image 795
Michal Avatar asked Apr 29 '19 13:04


1 Answers

In the official docs its stated we should add addTypename={false} to the <MockedProvider>. And when I looked at the error message I could see that the __typename was added to the query it was looking for.

Something like:

{ Error: Network error: No more mocked responses for the query: query getDog($dogId: ID!) {
  dog(dogId: $dogId) {

So after removing addTypename={false} I got another error:

Missing field __typename in {
  "name": "dog"

Now when adding a __typename to my mocked response it started working.


const mocks = [
    request: {
      query: dogQuery,
      variables: {
        dogId: 1,
    result: {
      data: {
        dog: {
          name: 'dog',
          __typename: 'Dog',
like image 132
Youri Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 08:11
