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re-size the modal dialog in bootstrap dynamically

I have a Modal Popup (Bootstrap) which displays content based on the user selection

  • I've used this as my reference, Also added this to my script section in the aspx page

This is the javascript code that i've used to check for the users selection

PlayerMP.getFunctionalDetails = function (type, UserID, SessionID, SessionNo) {
    type: "GET",
    url: PlayerMP.URL,
    data: "rt=4&type=" + type + "&UserID=" + UserID + "&SessionID=" + SessionID + "&SessionNo=" + SessionNo,
    success: function (FunctionalSplitsJS) {
        if (FunctionalSplitsJS.indexOf("SessionExpired=1", 0) == -1) {

            switch (type) {
                case 1:
                    $("#divFunctionalsSplit");      //the table goes out of the modal window                           
                case 2:
                case 3:

            window.location.href = "../Login.aspx?SessionExpired=1";
  • The first case has a table which is supposed to be displayed inside the modal popup but the table goes outside the modal window (there is a problem with the width of the modal window but the table-responsive seem to be working) But when i resize the browser to match the width of the tablet the table/modal auto resizes to match each other.
  • The width of the 2nd and the 3rd case's of the modal seem to work fine.

This is the code for the modal window thats being called

 <div class="modal fade" id="divFunctionalsSplit" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">  
        <div class="modal-dialog">
            <div class="modal-content"> 
                  <div class="modal-body">
                    <div class="table-responsive">
                        <div id="divFunctionalDetails"></div>
                   <div class="modal-footer">
                   <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-dismiss="modal">Done</button>
  • Fullscreen Browser Full screen image
  • Resized Browser Resized Image
like image 946
jayeshkv Avatar asked Oct 16 '13 06:10


People also ask

How do I change the size of a bootstrap modal?

Change the size of the modal by adding the . modal-sm class for small modals, . modal-lg class for large modals, or . modal-xl for extra large modals.

How can I make my modal height responsive?

Making your Modal Responsive The most obvious way is to write a bunch of media queries like a chump. I instead suggest using max-width and max-height. When combined with calc() this allows you to have a consistent padding between the modal and the edge of the screen on smaller devices.

How do you reduce the width of a modal?

Answer: Set width for . modal-dialog element Similarly, you can override the width property of . modal-sm , . modal-lg and . modal-xl class to resize the small, large and extra-large modal dialog box respectively.

2 Answers

By default Bootstrap sets the width of the .modal-dialog to 600px (large screens above 768 px) or auto(small screens). The code below overrides this:

$('#myModal').on('show.bs.modal', function () {

(based on: https://stackoverflow.com/a/16152629/2260496)

To make it more dynamically you will need to calculate the width (jQuery width() or innerwidth())of your table and set the width of the modal-dialog according it.

See: http://bootply.com/88364

like image 163
Bass Jobsen Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 04:10

Bass Jobsen

This worked for me atleast:

    position: relative;
    display: table; /* <-- This makes the trick */
    overflow-y: auto;    
    overflow-x: auto;
    width: auto;
    min-width: 300px;   
like image 39
Amit Shah Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Amit Shah