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rbind dataframes with a different column name


I've 12 data frames, each one contains 6 columns: 5 have the same name, 1 is different. Then when I call rbind() I get:

Error in match.names(clabs, names(xi)) :    names do not match previous names 

The column that differs is: "goal1Completions". There are 12 goalsCompletions... they are: "goal1Completions", "goal2Completions", "goal3Completions"... and so on.

The best way I can think of is: renaming every column in every data frame to "GoalsCompletions" and then using "rbind()".

Is there a simpler way?

Look on Google O found this package: "gtools". It has a function called: "smartbind". However, after using smartbind() i want to see the the data frame with "View()", my R session crashes...

My data (an example of the first data frame):

       date      source     medium   campaign   goal1Completions    ad.cost           Goal 1   2014-10-01  (direct)    (none)   (not set)          0           0.0000            Vida 2   2014-10-01   Master      email     CAFRE            0           0.0000            Vida 3   2014-10-01  apeseg      referral (not set)          0           0.0000            Vida 
like image 494
Omar Gonzales Avatar asked Feb 17 '15 16:02

Omar Gonzales

People also ask

How do I Rbind two Dataframes with different columns?

Method 1 : Using plyr package rbind. fill() method in R is an enhancement of the rbind() method in base R, is used to combine data frames with different columns. The column names are number may be different in the input data frames. Missing columns of the corresponding data frames are filled with NA.

Do columns need to be in same order for Rbind?

Let's find out. In the following example, we will change the column name from 'lastName' to 'surName' for the second data frame. The above code throws an error that the column names must match. So, the column names in both the data frames must be the same if you want to use rbind().

How do I Rbind two data frames in R?

To join two data frames (datasets) vertically, use the rbind function. The two data frames must have the same variables, but they do not have to be in the same order. If data frameA has variables that data frameB does not, then either: Delete the extra variables in data frameA or.

2 Answers

My favourite use of mapply:

Example Data

a <- data.frame(a=runif(5), b=runif(5)) > a           a         b 1 0.8403348 0.1579255 2 0.4759767 0.8182902 3 0.8091875 0.1080651 4 0.9846333 0.7035959 5 0.2153991 0.8744136 

and b

b <- data.frame(c=runif(5), d=runif(5)) > b           c         d 1 0.7604137 0.9753853 2 0.7553924 0.1210260 3 0.7315970 0.6196829 4 0.5619395 0.1120331 5 0.5711995 0.7252631 


Using mapply:

> mapply(c, a,b)    #or as.data.frame(mapply(c, a,b)) for a data.frame               a         b  [1,] 0.8403348 0.1579255  [2,] 0.4759767 0.8182902  [3,] 0.8091875 0.1080651  [4,] 0.9846333 0.7035959  [5,] 0.2153991 0.8744136  [6,] 0.7604137 0.9753853  [7,] 0.7553924 0.1210260  [8,] 0.7315970 0.6196829  [9,] 0.5619395 0.1120331 [10,] 0.5711995 0.7252631 

And based on @Marat's comment below:

You can also do data.frame(mapply(c, a, b, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)) or, alternatively, data.frame(Map(c,a,b)) to avoid double data.frame-matrix conversion

like image 135
LyzandeR Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 10:10


You could use rbindlist which takes different column names. Using @LyzandeR's data

library(data.table) #data.table_1.9.5 rbindlist(list(a,b)) #            a         b # 1: 0.8403348 0.1579255 # 2: 0.4759767 0.8182902 # 3: 0.8091875 0.1080651 # 4: 0.9846333 0.7035959 # 5: 0.2153991 0.8744136 # 6: 0.7604137 0.9753853 # 7: 0.7553924 0.1210260 # 8: 0.7315970 0.6196829 # 9: 0.5619395 0.1120331 #10: 0.5711995 0.7252631 


Based on the object names of the 12 datasets (i.e. 'Goal1_Costo', 'Goal2_Costo',..., 'Goal12_Costo'),

 nm1 <- paste(paste0('Goal', 1:12), 'Costo', sep="_")  #or using `sprintf`  #nm1 <- sprintf('%s%d_%s', 'Goal', 1:12, 'Costo')  rbindlist(mget(nm1)) 
like image 35
akrun Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 11:10
