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Raw statement in Laravel's Eloquent whereIn method

I would simply like to run such query:

select * from `users` where SUBSTRING_INDEX(`email`, '@' ,-1) not in ('gmail.com, outlook.com');

Two ways crossed my mind which non of them work:


$providers = array('gmail.com', 'outlook.com');

$providers = "'" . implode("', '", $providers) . "'";

User::whereRaw("SUBSTRING_INDEX(`email`, '@' ,-1) not in (?)", $providers);

the above would not work because PDO will escape the "'" characters.


User::whereIn(DB::raw("SUBSTRING_INDEX(`email`, '@' ,-1)", $providers);

this one simply does not work. any idea?

like image 322
Amir Avatar asked Jun 29 '14 14:06


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1 Answers

Here's a safer way to do it:

$providers = ['gmail.com', 'outlook.com'];

$placeholder = implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($providers), '?'));

User::whereRaw("SUBSTRING_INDEX(`email`, '@' ,-1) not in ($placeholder)", $providers);
like image 59
Joseph Silber Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 18:09

Joseph Silber