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symfony2 -How to retrieve data from database globally in every page

I want to retrieve Cities names from a table in the database and put them as options in a select input (combobox) which is defined in 'layout.html.twig' . All my views extends 'layout.html.twig', so how can I access to cities names in every page?


I'm not able to respond to my topic ,I didn't have much reputation so I edit my topic

I have found the solution, using "embedding controllers"

  • first I've created an action to retreive all cities names:

    public function listCitiesAction(){
     // retreiving cities
    $entities = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository("MedAdBundle:City")->findAll();
    return $this->render('MedAdBundle:Ville:list_cities.html.twig',
        array('entities' => $entities));
  • this action render list_cities.html.twig defined as :

    <select class="form-control">
    {% for entity in entities %}
    <option>{{ entity.name}}</option>
    {% endfor %}
  • finnaly I edit my layout.html.twig

    {{ render(controller('MedAdBundle:City:listCities'))}}

In this way I can access to cities combobox in every page in my app ;)

like image 766
user3190603 Avatar asked Jan 13 '14 15:01


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1 Answers

Another nice way would be use render.

This allows you to call a controller out of your layout.html.twig

{{ render(controller("AcmeDemoBundle:Helper:citySelector")) }}

you also can cache the output with ESI.

like image 51
Flask Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 21:10
