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Raphael JS: how to change the color of certain letters within a text-element?

I have the following code:

        var set = paper.set();
        var text = paper.text(0, 0, 'bla1 bla2' ).attr({ fill: 'blue'});

How can I change the color of the 'bla2' to green now?

I've already tried to split the string into two text-elements and assign the coordinates of the 'bla1'+ width of the 'bla1' to the second one. It didn't work since I coundn't find out the width of 'bla1'. The second problem with this solution is that I might want to change the font-size of 'bla1 bla2' which will automatically change the width of 'bla1' and distort the position of 'bla2'.

Thanks in advance!

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user1006115 Avatar asked Oct 29 '11 23:10


1 Answers

You can try something like this:


<div id="canvas"></div>​


var text = "this is some colored text";
var paper = Raphael('canvas', '100%', document.documentElement.clientHeight/2 );
var colors = ["#ffc000", "#1d1d1d", "#e81c6e", "#7c7c7c", "#00aff2"];
var letterSpace = 5;
var xPos = 10;
var yPos = 10;

textNodes = text.split(' ');

for( var i=0; i < textNodes.length; ++i) {       
    var textColor = colors[i];
    var textNode = paper.text( xPos , yPos , textNodes[i]);
            'text-anchor': 'start',
            'font-size' : 12,
            'fill' : textColor
    xPos = xPos + textNode.getBBox().width + letterSpace;

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/aamir/zsS7L/

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Aamir Afridi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Aamir Afridi