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Not sure what the arguments inside the [ ] really do after the range() function.

Exp: print ( range(5)[::-2]) Output: [4, 2, 0]

But if [x:y:z] stands for [start:stop:step], then when I put print(range(5)[4:-2:-2]), the output list is [4] instead of [4, 2, 0], not sure how that works.

like image 629
nuke9 Avatar asked May 28 '15 06:05


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3 Answers

In Python 3, range() creates a special range object. In Python 2, it creates a list.

List element:     0  1  2  3  4
Index:            0  1  2  3  4
Backwards index: -5 -4 -3 -2 -1

So, going from index 4 to index -2 really goes from list element 4 to list element 3. Since you're skipping every other element, you don't get to 3, leaving you with merely [4].

like image 126
TigerhawkT3 Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09


You’re right, it’s [start:stop:step]. Note that negative starts and stops are defined to start at the end of the sequence. So for a range that ends with the values 2, 3, 4, the stop -2 refers to the 3 (-1 is the last, -2 is the second to last, etc.).

So in your case, the range has a length of 5, starting at 0 and ending at 4. You start at the index 4, and end at the index -2 which is 5-2 = 3. So so far, the index refers to [3, 4]. Now, starting at 4, you have a negative step of 2. So you skip over the 3, resulting in just [4].

If you want [4, 2, 0], then you should leave out the stop:

>>> range(5)[4::-2]
[4, 2, 0]

You can actually even leave out the start:

>>> range(5)[::-2]
[4, 2, 0]

but range(5)[4:-2] results []. Then how range(5)[4:-2:-2] results [4]?

The slice is evaluated at once, not one argument after another:

After evaluating the negative stop, range(5)[4:-2] is equivalent to range(5)[4:3]. Since there is no step specified, the default step of positive 1 will be used. This means that the slice would have to go from index 4 to index 3 with a positive step. That’s impossible, so an empty list is returned.

When we have a negative step, it looks like this: range(5)[4:3:-2]. Now, since we have a negative step, the direction is reversed. So we can start at an index 4 and go to a lower index 3.

It’s just defined that for a positive step, stop >= start needs to be true, and for a negative step the inverse, stop <= start.

like image 38
poke Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09


Slices with three arguments defined in terms of [start:stop:step]. Coincidentally, that's also how range objects are defined with three arguments. We'll see how that comes into play soon.

What you are doing is this:

>>> range(5)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(5)[4:-2:-2]

Negative indices in Python wrap around from the length of the sequence. So the length of your list is 5, and then you go two steps down with -2, so you get index 3 as your stop value. In other words, index 3 is the sentinel value for the iterator at which point, the slice operation will stop collecting elements. You'll be stepping down 2 indices every step, but index 3 is the sentinel, so the slice stops collecting elements after it grabs the element at index 4 and reaches the stop index.

What you probably actually want to do is this:

>>> range(4, -2, -2)
[4, 2, 0]
like image 26
Shashank Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
