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Range-For loop over a string adding a null or empty char at the end



Here is a loop that goes through each character in "(Level:". It adds something to the end which is messing up the rest of my code.

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Output:" << std::endl;
    for (char letter : "(Level:") {
        std::cout << "'" << letter << "'" << std::endl;
    return 0;



I'm new to C++ and I don't understand what's happening.

like image 447
Moncheeta Avatar asked Dec 20 '21 03:12


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Why null character is put at the end of the string?

Justify your answer with example. A null character is a character with all its bits set to zero. Therefore, it has a numeric value of zero and can be used to represent the end of a string of characters, such as a word or phrase.

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Nothing stops you from creating an array of characters and not ending it with a null-terminator, but using it as a null-terminated byte string will lead to undefined behavior.

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In the first approach, you increment a char from a to z with each iteration of the for loop and print it out each time. In the second approach, you increment some offset from 0 to 25 and print out 'a' + offset . You mix these two approaches up in the first line.

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1 Answers

"(Level:" has type const char[8], and is equivalent to { '(', 'L', 'e', 'v', 'e', 'l', ':', '\0' }.

You can easily see this is the case by casting the letter to int before printing. Demo

This happens, because string literals (anything "...") are C-strings, which are zero terminated. If you want strings to have a size instead of a zero terminator, you can use a string_view literal:

#include <iostream>
#include <string_view>

using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;

int main() {
    std::cout << "Output:" << std::endl;
    for (char letter : "(Level:"sv) {
        std::cout << "'" << letter << "' (" << static_cast<int>(letter) << ")\n";
    return 0;

See the result

like image 114
gha.st Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 05:10
