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Randomly Access in a Priority Queue

How i can access/search randomly in a priority queue?. for example, if have a priority queue like q={5,4,3,2,1} for example, i want to access 3rd value directly which is 3, i could not do this,is there any process to access randomly in priority queue?

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Ramzan Avatar asked Jan 09 '17 15:01


2 Answers

Most priority queue implementations, including the C++ std::priority_queue type, don't support random access. The idea behind a priority queue is to sacrifice random access for fast access to the smallest element.

Depending on what you're trying to do, there are a number of other approaches you could use. If you always want access to the third element in the queue (and not any other arbitrary positions), it's probably fast enough to just dequeue two elements, cache them, then dequeue the value you want and put the other two elements back.

If you want access to the kth-smallest element at any point in time, where k is larger, one option is to store two different priority queues: a reverse-sorted priority queue that holds k elements (call it the left queue) and a regular priority queue holding the remaining n-k elements (call it the right queue). To get the kth-smallest element, dequeue from the left queue (giving back the kth-smallest element), then dequeue an element from the right and enqueue into the left to get it back up to k total elements. To do an enqueue, check if the number is less than the top of the left queue. If so, dequeue from the left queue, enqueue the removed element into the right queue, then enqueue the original element into the left. Otherwise, enqueue into the right. This guarantees O(log n) runtimes for each operation.

If you need true random access to a sorted sequence, consider using an order statistics tree. This is an augmented binary search tree that supports O(log n) access to elements by index. You can use this to build a priority queue - the minimum element is always at index 0. The catch (of course there's a catch) is that it's hard to find a good implementation of one and the constant factors hidden in the O(log n) terms are much higher than in a standard binary heap.

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templatetypedef Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 13:10


To add to the answer of @templatetypedef:

You cannot combine random access of elements with a priority queue, unless you use a very inefficient priority queue. Here's a few options, depending on what you need:

1- An inefficient priority queue would be a std::vector that you keep sorted. Pushing an element means finding where it should be inserted, and move all subsequent elements forward. Popping an element would be simply reading and deleting the last element (back and pop_back, these are efficient). Random access is efficient as well, of course.

2- You could use a std::multiset (or std::multimap) instead of a priority queue. It is a tree structure that keeps things sorted. You can insert instead of push, then read and remove the first (or last) element using a begin (or rbegin) iterator with erase. Insertion and finding the first/last element are log(n) operations. The data structure allows for reading all elements in order, though it doesn't give random access.

3- You could hack your own version of std::priority_queue using a std::vector and the std::push_heap and std::pop_heap algorithms (together with the push_back and pop_back methods of the std::vector). You'd get the same efficient priority queue, but also random access to all elements of the priority_queue. They are not sorted, all you know is that the first element in your array is the top priority element, and that the other elements are stored in a way that the heap property is satisfied. If you only occasionally want to read all elements in order, you can use the function std::sort_heap to sort all elements in your array by priority. The function std::make_heap will return your array to its heap status.

Note that std::priority_queue uses a std::vector by default to store its data. It might be possible to reinterpret_cast the std::priority_queue to a std::vector, so you get random access to the other elements in the queue. But if it works on your implementation of the standard library, it might not on others, or on future versions of the same library, so I don't recommend you do this! It's safer to create your own heap class using the algorithms in the standard library as per #3 above.

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Cris Luengo Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 12:10

Cris Luengo