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Random string in template django

Is there any way to have a random string in a Django template?

I would like to have multiple strings displaying randomly like:

{% here generate random number rnd ?%}

{% if rnd == 1 %}
  {% trans "hello my name is john" %}
{% endif %}

{% if rnd == 2 %}
  {% trans "hello my name is bill" %}
{% endif %}

Thanks for answer but my case needed something more specific as it was in the base template (which I forgot to mention sorry ). So after crawling Google and some docs I fall on context processor article which did the job, I found it a little bit "heavy" anyway just for generating a random number...

here is the blog page : http://www.b-list.org/weblog/2006/jun/14/django-tips-template-context-processors/

Template tag did not the trick (or I did not find how) as it return a tag that cannot be translated as I remember (see blocktrans doc)

I did not find a way to generate a number for the base view (is there any?) and if there is a way better than context process I'd be glad to have some info.

like image 849
kollo Avatar asked Jun 02 '12 08:06


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2 Answers

Instead of using if-else blocks, passing a list of strings to your template and using random filter seems better

In your view:

my_strings = ['string1', 'string2', ...]
return render_to_response('some.html', {'my_strings':my_strings})

And in your template:

{{ my_strings|random }}

Here is the doc.

like image 128
FallenAngel Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 08:09


You could do something like that:

{# set either "1" or "2" to rnd, "12"|make_list outputs the list [u"1", u"2"] #}
{# and random chooses one item randomly out of this list #}

{% with rnd="12"|make_list|random %}
    {% if rnd == "1" %}
        {% trans "hello my name is john" %}
    {% elif rnd == "2" %}
        {% trans "hello my name is bill" %}
    {% endif %}
{% endwith %}

Look at the "Built-in template tags and filters" documentation for more info: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.4/ref/templates/builtins/

like image 22
DanEEStar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 09:09
