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Random output different between implementations





I've tried this program with libstdc++, libc++ and dinkumware:

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <functional>
#include <limits>

int main()
    std::vector<int> v(10);

    std::mt19937 rand{0};
    std::uniform_int_distribution<> dist(
        1, 10

    std::generate_n(v.begin(), v.size(),
        std::bind(dist, rand));

    for (auto i : v)
        std::cout << i << " ";

Output respectively is:

6 6 8 9 7 9 6 9 5 7 

6 1 4 4 8 10 4 6 3 5 

5 10 4 1 4 10 8 4 8 4 

The output is consistent for each run but as you can see, they're different. Explain?

like image 264
user5368921 Avatar asked Sep 23 '15 17:09


Video Answer

1 Answers

There is no required implementation for uniform_int_distribution<>. [rand.dist.general] specifies that:

The algorithms for producing each of the specified distributions are implementation-defined.

All that [rand.dist.uni.int] states is:

A uniform_int_distribution random number distribution produces random integers i, a <= i <= b, distributed according to the constant discrete probability function P(i | a, b) = 1/(b − a + 1) .

Each implementation is free to achieve this distribution how it wishes. What you are seeing is apparently three different implementations.

like image 61
Barry Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 05:10
