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C++ arrow operator with pre-increment: With or without parentheses is the same?



Question from the course:

Watch the parentheses around the argument of the ++ operator. Are they really needed? What will happen when you remove them?

Initially there was only one cout expression. I added another one to see the difference, like so:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Class {

    Class(void) {
        cout << "Object constructed!" << endl;

    ~Class(void) {
        cout << "Object destructed!" << endl;
    int value;

int main(void) {
    Class *ptr;

    ptr = new Class;
    ptr -> value = 0;
    cout << ++(ptr -> value) << endl;
    cout << ++(ptr -> value) << endl;
    delete ptr;
    return 0;

My idea was to test it again without parentheses and see what is different:

    cout << ++ptr -> value << endl;
    cout << ++ptr -> value << endl;

The result is the same in both cases. Thus I conclude: No difference.

Can someone explain and correct please? Why would they ask that question if there is no difference? My feeling is there is a subtlety I am missing.


Object constructed!
Object destructed!
like image 962
Ely Avatar asked Jun 05 '15 08:06


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1 Answers

There is no difference because -> has a higher precedence than ++. This means that ++ptr -> value is always parsed as ++(ptr->value).

Regardless of how the compiler will see your code, you shouldn't write it like that, because someone who doesn't know C++ operator precedence rules might think the code does something different from what it actually does. ++(ptr->value) is far clearer.

like image 117
TartanLlama Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 16:11
