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Rails webpacker.yml, extract_css option

According to rails/webpacker documentation, extract_css is default to true in production environment and false in development. From what I observed:

  • With extract_css true, webpacker will emit a css file from each stylesheet_pack_tag in application.html.erb.

  • And, with extract_css false, stylesheet_pack_tag return nil & stylesheet that gets imported in js files will get extracted and bundle into blobs and send to browser. Hence, link tags to blob url exist.

So, I assume that using extract_css true yield the same result as using inline styles in header since styles get downloaded to browser with the website document file. If what I understand is true then setting extract_css to true on production should be ok.

Is what I understand about extract_css option correct?

like image 788
kpham12 Avatar asked Jan 22 '19 00:01


2 Answers

You mostly correct, you can read more about extract_css in css.md or v4-upgrade.md

With extract_css: true, webpacker will emit a single css <link rel="stylesheet"... from each stylesheet_pack_tag.

With extract_css: false, stylesheet_pack_tag return nil & stylesheet that gets imported in js files will get extracted and bundle into blobs and injected into as an inline .

In the end extract_css: false is the one that yields the same result as using inline styles.

like image 73
jake Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11


I don't have anything to add other than "extract_css" in webpacker.yml has been a source of confusion for me as well. When it is "extract_css: false" in development and production, a stylesheet IS included in the document head (shouldn't this be "extract_css: true"?). And when I use "extract_css: true", styles are not included in the document.

like image 29
Lush Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 05:11
