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Rails: URL/path with parameters

I would like to produce a URL as


from this route

get_class_swimming_students GET /swimming/students/get_times/:start_date/:end_date(.:format) swimming/students#get_times

How do I pass parameters to get_class_swimming_students_path ?

like image 568
wwli Avatar asked Jun 06 '13 05:06


People also ask

How do you pass parameters in Rails?

The syntax is very simple. Inside of your button_to, you can add attributes (much like in HTML). In the code snippet above, I added a class attribute as well. In a button_to, you simply have to add an attribute called “params:” with the params passed as a hash.

How do I get the current URL in Ruby?

You should use request. original_url to get the current URL.

2 Answers

get_class_swimming_students_path('2013-01-01', '2013-02-02')

In Rails, URL parameters are mapped to the router in the precise order in which they are passed. Consider the following:

# rake routes
my_route GET    /my_route/:first_param/:second_param/:third_param(.:format)

# my_view.html.erb
<%= link_to('My Route', my_route_path('first_param', 'second_param', 'third_param') %>
#=> <a href="/my_route/first_param/second_param/third_param">My Route</a>

Consider also the following case where foo and bar are static parameters positioned between dynamic parameters:

# rake routes
my_route GET    /my_route/:first_param/foo/:second_param/bar/:third_param(.:format)

# my_view.html.erb
<%= link_to('My Route', my_route_path('first_param', 'second_param', 'third_param') %>
#=> <a href="/my_route/first_param/foo/second_param/bar/third_param">My Route</a>

In the final example, arguments will appear as URL parameters in the order in which they were passed, but not necessarily in the same sequence.


The following syntax is equivalent to the first snippet. The primary difference is that it accepts arguments as named parameters, rather than in the order they're passed:

get_class_swimming_students_path(:start_date => '2013-01-01', :end_date => '2013-02-02')
like image 107
zeantsoi Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10


For any path you can pass params like

get_class_swimming_students_path(:params1 => value1, :params2 => value2)

And In controller you can simply access those passed params as usual

like image 28
Jyothu Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
